Saturday, June 13, 2015

Happy First Birthday, EBM!

Wow! So this is very exciting for me...the first birthday of Eat and Be Mary has arrived!

I can't tell you all how much this means to me-and I am so thankful to have so many loyal readers. You all truly make it worthwhile. I know that I may not be as big as some of the other blogs out there right now, but the sky's the limit and I plan to make this blog bigger and better in its next year of cyber-life.

I want to say a special thank you to my aunt and uncle for letting me discover the possibilities that lie within the healthy cooking world, in their completely new (all white) kitchen! Without that time to experiment and play, I don't think I could have learned to cook as much as I did last summer!

To commemorate this momentous occasion, my sister got her nice camera out and we decided to have a little happy birthday photo shoot!

Here are some snapshots for your viewing pleasure:

Also, some other news...I GOT A JOB.
So, in just two weeks I'll be shipping it out to Bemidji, Minnesota to start my professional broadcasting career as an anchor/reporter for the Lakeland News team under Lakeland Public Television (PBS affiliate)! I look forward to continuing this blog there and finding out what healthy trends are going on in the Midwest! 

Of course, it'll be easy to follow my don't worry I'll be keeping you posted as much as I can!

Thank you again, from the bottom of my healthy heart. Happy Birthday to my little blog baby!