Friday, September 26, 2014

Exciting News...

Hello, all!

I figured I should give you a bit of an update on a crazy amazing opportunity that I've been given.

My school has a completely student-run television station, and I'm currently an anchor on our news program, Newswatch 16! I can't tell you how amazing it's been to be back in the halls of the Park School of Communications and to be able to do what I love every week.

Now onto my big news...

Photo on the Desk at Internship 
This journey with Eat and Be Mary so far has been so wonderful. To all of my loyal readers, thank you for taking a chance of me and reading my pages full of ways to eat healthily and live happily.

My Newswatch superiors have decided to take a chance on me too-and now Eat and Be Mary will be a SEGMENT on the Sunday broadcast each week! I couldn't be more thrilled.

I've added a new tab called "As Seen On TV" so that you won't miss any of my on-camera action as I bring my blog to life!

I'm so excited to see where this opportunity takes me, and I hope you'll continue on with me.

Here's to more living, loving, and eating.