Mary Loves...

Sunday, May 24 2015

Whoops, well I've clearly neglected this page of the blog for a long, long time. Sorry about that, folks. 

Today, I'm loving my new Beats headphones that I got as one of my graduation gifts from my stellar aunt Karen!

What's the best part about these things? They're completely wireless and work with bluetooth--so you can have your iPhone in a pocket or in your hand during your workout and not worry about that ever-present danger of the chord tangle.

I for one have had some serious issues with that, especially when I'm at the gym on the treadmill. You know, that accidental karate-chop move that sends your phone flying down the belt? Yeah it's not fun or cute. Thankfully, these headphones clear that situation right up. You put the small connecting chord behind you so there's no room for issues there. These also feature over-the-ear security, as well as an earbud piece. So really, you don't feel like you're going to sweat too much and your earbuds are going to fall off. Most. annoying. thing. ever. Am I right?

They need to be charged, but even if you only have a short time to plug them in, fifteen minutes of charge will give you an hour of use! No problemo. 

I just thought I'd share this with you all, since it's such a great product! Hope you can try them out or get your own pair! 


Thursday, December 11 2014

Today, I LOVE the fact that I'm totally done with assignments for this semester. 

It is such a beautiful thing, let me tell you. I have never had a semester like this before, and it definitely tested my ability to keep it all together. But, I have arrived at the end of the tunnel--and I feel unstoppable.

What's better than finishing strong and wrapping up a demanding semester? 

I'll be heading home soon and let me tell you, this is so bittersweet--it's the last time that I'll be home for an extended period of time. I'm not sure where I'll be next year and that's kind of scary but also so thrilling. 

I'm so ready to make a splash.

That said, what are you doing to finish out 2014 that you're proud of? If you still haven't accomplished the goal you set, there's still time.  

You've got this. 


Thursday, November 20 2014

Ok, so right now I'm sitting in the "pub," which is my school's student union and campus center. I won't be sitting here for much longer--as I'll be heading out to my final two classes until after Thanksgiving!

That's what I'm loving today--time off. I mean, I always love having time off but this break is quite necessary considering how much effort has gone into this semester. All that has to be done when we come back after a glorious weeklong break is finish up final projects. Just like that, the semester will be over. 

But, back to the point. What could be better than having some time to relax with your family and enjoying each other's company? Nothing, nothing at all. I'm especially pumped because my sister and I will be in the same place for once since August...which is the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other! It's been trying, but I'm so grateful that I'll get this time with her and my parents. 

So, with all that in mind, I just want to remind everyone that it's important to take a step back and be thankful for all that you have. Yes, we all complain sometimes, but we truly have it pretty good don't we?


Sunday, October 19 2014

Well, this is my first update on this here page since mid-September. 

Today, I'm feeling thankful for family time. I love the fact that I'm able to come home for a break so easily and spend time with my family!

This weekend was no different-and I really needed the break. 

Yes, I've been keeping to my strict diet regimen...but couldn't say no to a fresh batch of my dad's famous pancakes this morning. These things are legendary-and every person who's tasted them will back me up on that. 

I've been so lucky with the greatest family, and getting those simple home comforts always makes coming back so great. 

My message to you, is to really take the time to see your family, friends or whoever you lean on for support in life. They'll make you laugh, feel loved, comfortable and safe. Who doesn't want that?

So, you guessed, and everyday, I love family. 

Now, I'm off to get some exercise in before I get fitted for new sneakers and get some new workout gear. 

Make it a healthy and happy one!


Friday, September 12 2014

Hi, how are you all doing?!

I hope that you've had an excellent week and are gearing up for a productive, fun and healthy weekend.

I know I am. 

I wanted to share with you an incredible talent in the food-journalism world, Mark Bittman. He's such a talented writer, and he goes all over the world to talk about restaurants, culture and nutrition. 

His work can be found in the New York Times each Wednesday... and let me just say that it's always the highlight of my hump-day when I realize that I get to feast my eyes on another great piece of food journalism! 

There's one particular article called "London Calls Him to Dinner," and I have to say it's just fantastic!

I think you all should give this guy a shot. Not to mention, he has some pretty sweet recipes to share and he's the author of some great cook books- one of which I'm the proud owner, "How to Cook Everything." 

Below, you'll find a link to the article...hope you all enjoy this great read!


Wednesday, August 13 2014


Sorry I haven't been diligent with updating this section of the blog. I can assure you, it wasn't intentional!

Here's what I love tonight (and all the time really) ... family. 

I've just come back from a lovely mother-daughter dinner, and its one of the highlights of a the short time that I'll have to spend at home with my parents and sister. 

With all of our busy schedules, work, and other things it can be so difficult to remember what really deserves our time and attention. 

Its always such an important thing to remind yourself what life's all about.

My family has been good at that for as long as I can remember. 

So...I hope that you can spend time with those who matter most to you while you have the chance!

That's all for now...


Thursday, July 24 2014

Hi all! 

I'm gonna come right out and say it...I don't know who loves birthdays more than I do. 

It's true, I'm a literal 5-year-old when it comes to my special day...I get so excited. 

So, in light of the fact that I'm still 20 for another 2.5 hours, I want to tell you what I love tonight.

I love keeping it real. What do I mean by that? 

I'm a straight-shooter, so naturally I appreciate it when people tell me like it is...not a fan of the sugar-coated lifestyle.

I've made a real point to be true to myself this summer and figure out what makes me happy. 

Proudly, I can say that I've found out so much about myself and my capabilities. My confidence is at an all-time high, and I couldn't be happier. 

Now, I can ease my way into 21 and keep enjoying my life-exactly the way I want to!

Yes...tonight I love the journey that I've taken to get here and the fact that I'm so excited to be a vivacious and go-getting 21 year-old!

Cheers, friends. Now I can eat,  drink, and be Mary...the only person I know how to be.


Wednesday, July 9 2014

I decided to create this page on my blog because I wanted to share what things I'm loving from time to time on a weekly basis. This means that anything is fair game--which should tell you that sometimes I do have a bit of a scatter brain but I've just learned to embrace it. 

Speaking of embracing things, my first post on here seems to fit in with that theme quite nicely. 

Today as I was perusing the web to find possible news stories, I found this article about a campaign called the "Stop the Beauty Madness" on the Huffington Post webpage.

Basically, it's an advertising campaign that features girls (sorry boys) and different stereotypes about being "pretty." It's meant to knock your socks off and wonder what made you believe this true beauty junk in the first place--which I think is so great. 

Everybody is different, and its time we start getting that through our heads. Yes, its the "safe" option to want to blend in a do what ever other gal is doing, wear what they wear, etc. But honestly, where's the fun in that? I used to be one of those people. I remember a distinct time in elementary school where all the girls were starting to wear Abercrombie and Limited Too, and I just had to have it, no questions asked.

My parents made it happen. I was thrilled and life was good. But now, looking back its funny thinking that we all wanted to copy each other that much. I think it's flattering if someone goes and wears a similar style or pairs similar colors together that they've seen on others--but now we consider it a painful situation when we match even a bit with a colleague, a friend, a passerby, you name it. We'd rather crawl under a rock and stay there for a century. If you're shaking your have to admit that we've all probably experienced those feelings before. 

Anyways, I'm really diggin' what this campaign is doing and I think it's worth a few clicks and a few seconds of your time. Just a reminder that we are all, and I know this is cliché so don't start with me, but we are all beautiful.

Link: Huffington Post Story



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