Tuesday, September 22 2015
Hi hi hi! So I really want to talk to you guys today about something that's been so helpful to me over the past few months as I've been navigating life as a busy news reporter...MEAL PREP.
Ahh, I remember thinking when I had a bunch of roommates how impossible it would've been to get the space I needed to prep meals and stack the fridge with portioned-out Tupperware. But, now I can finally do that because I've got my own digs. Let me tell you, it's awesome.
It may not be the biggest place, but the kitchen takes up a good amount of it and I have plenty of room to get myself prepped for the week ahead. So, I thought since I've been doing it for about three weeks now, that I'm ready to give you some words of wisdom and share what I've been making lately.
First thing's first, get yourself some Tupperware. You can find sets for pretty cheap at your grocery store, or Target, Walmart...anywhere like that really. This will help you when you portion everything out and it makes it so easy to grab and go when you're racing out the door for the day!
This is an example of one of the first meals I prepped...it seriously tastes like you're at your favorite Chinese restaurant. The best part? This recipe calls for lettuce wraps to scoop up all the deliciousness. So really, you've got no excuse not to make this!
Here's another great batch-cookin' recipe that was such a hit in my book! About fifteen minutes of chopping and cutting up the veggies, potatoes and smoked turkey sausage and then you throw the heavenly mixture onto a baking sheet and roast for about 40-45 minutes and then you're ready to rumble.
I'll definitely be making this a mainstay in my meal-prep rotation!
Then we have a hearty side of roasted veg: mushrooms, yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli, red onion and red pepper. YUM.
I got the chicken idea and adapted it from the Fit Men Cook website---so great for ideas and inspiration!

Well, I hope you guys got something out of this post...I know that having my meals prepped and ready to go is the reason why I stay on track during the week. Trust me, if you think you can devote a few hours on a Sunday to get creative in the kitchen and get yourself together for the week...you'll be glad you did!
Friday, July 31 2015
Woah. As I write this post, all I can think is..."how did this happen, why haven't I updated it in so long?!" But hey, I won't bore you with the I'm sorry's because that's how I handled the last post...which not to mention happened when there was snow on the ground and I was still a college student living in New York.
I've been adjusting to life here in Bemidji, and I have to say that I've been trying to strike a healthy balance between fun and work and my first love...food!
Honestly, it hasn't been too difficult to watch what I've been eating lately, because its been so darn hot and humid out (and I have no A/C). Therefore, my appetite hasn't been that huge. The other thing though, is that I sweat so much that it doesn't seem to matter if I do indulge in something.
I really haven't yet--I didn't even have cake on my birthday last weekend which was weird...but its ok because I had a great time celebrating!
As I get more and more acclimated to my new city, I hope that I can keep my healthy lifestyle going. It's so expensive to eat organic and healthy, especially on an entry-level journalist's salary! But as long as I stay on budget, I think we're going to make it work.
Well, that's it for now...have a happy and healthy weekend everyone!
Sunday, March 29 2015
Hi everyone and I'M SO SORRY for not updating this page more...but I'm back in action on here and I promise I won't be neglectful with these healthy bits anymore!
Tonight on my TV segment, I'll be chatting about a few "fad" diet movements that are popular right now. Below is the link to some helpful charts that break down what I spoke about today. They are so easy to understand!
You can catch the segment at 7 or 10 p.m. on www.ictv.org/live
Wednesday, December 24 2014
HI! Ok so I'm reporting live to you from the very birthplace of this blog, Downingtown Pennsylvania.
I'm here to celebrate the holidays with my family and I am so excited! But, I must say, that I've already indulged in my fair share of cookies, pieces of bread, and other holiday treats. Let's not even talk about the drinking!
Anyways, it's all good--because I've been having the best time catching up with the fam and enjoying some great food at the same time--what could be better?
My sister and I just finished a great 27-minute core workout, and I finished that off with a few reps of arm curls and other quick exercises with my trusty resistance band! Feeling good right now, and ready for whatever culinary genius comes my way today--whether it be liquid, solid or both. Bring it on!
Hope you all are surrounded by the ones that you love. Keep checking my twitter handle to get tips while you're enjoying your holidays!
For now, Eat and be "Merry" (see what I did there?)
Wednesday, December 10 2014
It's hump day, it's time to kick it into gear if you haven't already this week. I have been unable to work out for the past week (I know, cringe) because of finals prep. Now, I am proud to say that I have made it through the storm.
If you are feeling sluggish, overworked, tired, all of the above--stay grinding! You got this.
Also, it's ok if you're eating your feelings. I was too. Just know that you will get yourself back on track ASAP when you get out of this little slice of hell known as finals.
I mean...are we really craving kale during a stressful time? I don't think so.
Saturday, November 8 2014
Good evening everyone!
I hope you've had an excellent start to your weekend--and that you've been making healthy choices.
Today was especially productive for me. I did an intense workout, I cleaned, did homework and ate healthy.
I think I'll be rewarding myself with some wine tonight with friends.
What're you doing with yourself right now? Is there something you wish you'd done today? Don't worry, it's ok. You have a clean slate to do whatever you need to do tomorrow. You can even do it from your bedroom--lazy Sunday's are allowed of course!
I also wanted to say that I'm sorry for totally neglecting you all this week--It's literally been one of the most hectic weeks I've experienced in a while. But it was totally productive so I'll allow it.
Anyways, I hope ya'll are doing well and that you're powering through.
Have a great night!
Wednesday, October 29 2014
Happy hump-day everyone!
You've made it to the halfway point of the week! Wahoo!
I just had a great light lunch post-workout...and I wanted to share what I did with you! I am a big fan of YouTube workouts lately--anything from yoga to HIIT (high intensity training) is available from experienced trainers!
Today, I did a 45 minute HIIT core workout, and it was awesome! Complete with warm-ups, circuit training and cool down exercises, I was dripping with sweat almost the entire time. The other great part about this was that it was pretty low impact on my bad knee, so I was able to go full throttle the entire time.
That said, my message to you is, no matter how you do it, you need to get your heart racing and the sweat dripping at least four times a week. Even if it's just for 20 minutes! Make time for you!
Here's the link to the workout...try it! You've earned it.
Sunday, September 14 2014
Well, we're here again, hello old friend...Sunday night.
For me, Sundays mean finishing up homework, working out and grocery shopping for the week ahead. But, let's be honest, sometimes it's just about the relaxation, am I right?
Today was a great melange of all those things, and I even ran longer than I ever have before! Sick. Love it.
But, I also went shopping at Wegmans with my meals for the week in mind.
After I came home, I found this great Buzzfeed article that compiled a list of the healthiest packaged foods you can buy. Sometimes, you can't get the real thing or you just don't want to pay the price that comes with peak freshness.
I thought I'd pass along the link to that list, because I honestly found it really interesting and helpful! It goes by brand for popular items like bread, butter, yogurt, etc.
Hope this helps you as you start your week--and that it kicks off on a healthy note!
Thursday, August 14 2014
Hi, everyone!
Well, I don't want to beat around the bush here, because you know that's not the type of gal I am.
Let's get right to it-chances are we've all been here: eating out and trying to keep things light and healthy at the same time.
It's true, life is short and I'll be the first one to say that you should never pass up the opportunity when a friend or loved one asks you to go for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
My thought about this, is that you have to do a little bit more work in order to make sure you can stay on track with your eating... but not too much extra crap, don't fret!
Here's my top 3 Tips:
- Do your research: When you get that invite to go out for a meal, don't panic. Get on your smartphone, tablet or computer and see if you can look at a menu for the restaurant. This way, you'll be prepped on what's there for you and what you should avoid.
- Do NOT starve yourself before you go out for the meal. You know what that will likely lead to? A huge binge-party, not to mention; the pang of guilt you'll feel after.
- This is a biggie. If there's complimentary bread served with butter, nix it from your view. Put your water/cocktail/beer glass in front of the plate or cover up the carb hunk with a napkin. I'm always a sucker for a good piece of bread, so I can understand that this one is a tough one. But, you will feel ready for your starter and main...without carbo-loading first!
With that said....
While those are my three big tips, there's also one more. If you want a meal that's a bit more on the borderline of a cheat, treat yo'self! Here's the rule I follow: only eat half/until you're full. If this is a sandwich with doughy and heavenly bread, this is especially important! Also, don't doggie bag it. That only means that at some point in the very near future, you'll have to repeat the same sin...and it probably will be a bit soggy. YUCK, no thank you.
Hope this provides you with a little insight on how to keep your cool when the prospect of a meal out rolls around! Happy eating.
Monday, July 28 2014
So. On the way home from my 21st birthday extravaganza in the mountains, my aunt, uncle and I stopped at a cute little farm stand.
We picked up some fresh corn, zucchini, an onion, some tomatoes, an an eggplant!
Yum! It's always a treat to get fresh, farm-grown produce. If you've got some places that do that around you...give them a try! Stay tuned to see what we make with a our farm finds!
Monday, July 14 2014
So, the last time I posted something here was almost 10 days ago--yikes! I'm sorry.
I just wanted to share a healthy tidbit with you all: remember to enjoy things.
Today was one of my days off during the week, so naturally I spent my time focusing on the essentials: working out, grocery shopping, and trying out new recipes.

The main items on the menu today: a low-carb pumpernickel wrap loaded with half of an avocado (mashed), with a few pieces of chopped red pepper and onions-and finally a bit of 2% cheddar and some fresh pepper.
I finished off my plate with some fresh pineapple. Yum! The level of satisfaction I felt after that was great. I was enjoying myself.
My message to you is to remember to appreciate and enjoy the simple things like that.
Saturday, July 5 2014
Hello, everyone!
Hope you are having a gorgeous start to your weekends! I had to work yesterday, so I've been waiting to get some time to myself to post something...apologies for the delay!
Anyways, I woke up early this morning and ate an energy-packed chia seed and pumpkin muffin with a banana and some black coffee. That breaky gave me just the fuel I needed to tackle a 4.5 mile run through the trail. Not to mention, the weather is absolutely perfect here- NO HUMIDITY! Ahh, so good.
My message to you all on this holiday weekend--push yourself!
It's times like these when you're celebrating with friends and family that usually make you feel happy. Something about the endorphins makes you feel invincible.
So, if you're thinking about adding another mile to your run or trying out that new yoga class at the gym- GO FOR IT! The best part about living in this free country...you can do whatever you want. Sometimes we can take that for granted and forget how good we really have it.
What are you waiting for? Seize the day!
Wednesday, July 2 2014
Wednesday, June 25 2014
Hey hey,
How was everyone's hump-day? I hope it wasn't full of any bumps in the road or too many challenges...but if it was that's a-okay too!
That's kind of why I'm writing this post right now. If you read the last post I wrote in the "Inside My Head" page, then you know that I've been sick the past few days. During those few days, as you may have guessed, I wasn't able to eat much. Let me go even further to say that what I COULD eat included all the things that I really don't want to eat all the time.
Those things include bagels, english muffins, and toast. So basically I had to be the empty-carb queen for about 4 days and I was quite miserable. I felt so off track. What helped me though was remembering the fact that my body needed it.
That's my goal with this healthy bit for you--remember to listen to your body. Never ever choose starving over eating what's going to agree with you if you're sick. My thought is that the disadvantages will far outweigh the advantages in this case.
OH! Also, let's be clear about one other thing... we are ALL human. We ALL have cravings. It's hard to do, but sometimes we have to let a craving win and have a slice of cake. You shouldn't ever feel guilty for enjoying pleasures like that in life. After all, I'm a firm believer in the fact that cake heals.
So, if you have to, just go ahead and indulge (in moderation) and don't give a BEEP. Chances are you've totally earned it.
Wednesday, June 18 2014
Hello, everyone!
Hope you all had a good day...and lots of productivity!
I wanted to post quickly to share a typical lunch/snack that keeps me filled up during my internship hours.
As you know, I start off my day with a breakfast cake or pumpkin chia seed muffin and a piece of fruit. It's hard for me to justify throwing away the healthy breakfast with a nonsense lunch. Yes, from time to time its okay to have a burger or slice of pizza or that greasy chicken from your favorite food truck! Just don't make it a habit-work toward a monthly or bi-weekly splurge if you can.
I find that it's easiest to fight those thoughts off of unhealthy lunches because I always pack mine.
It's kind of great to look forward to something you've prepared for yourself each day. Especially in the field I'm working in, (broadcast journalism) it's über important to have a plan. Reporters don't always have time to rely on stopping for something healthy, and sometimes they don't have time to eat at all. That's why it was imperative that I started to get into a routine. It's been working ever since.
So, I have a lovely lunch bag with houndstooth pattern that goes with me virtually everywhere. Special thanks to my Aunt Karen for giving that to me a few years ago.
Inside it, I have two plastic organizers, which also help me limit portion size. (photo on left)
Next, I always have a mid-afternoon snack that's high in protein. That's the key here, people! This is what saves me from getting "hangry." It's not magic, just nuts. Almonds are perfection. Sometimes I save them for the train, but other times I eat them while I'm working away at a story at my desk at the station. Either way they are totally portable and light-plus you can buy them in bulk- what's not to love? Just make sure you get plain salted, roasted almonds. Sorry, but you won't get the same experience from honey or cinnamon something-or-other almonds. I know, it breaks my heart too.
Hope this inspires you to get a little creative and make a lunch that's colorful and something you look forward to eating each day!
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