I'm like hey what's up hello
Today is Monday, January 23 2017
What's up, beauties? Happy start of another week? I hope so.
So, listen...politics aside (because I'm a journalist and I can't talk about that shtufff....) I was able to witness a beautiful thing this weekend-the power and resilience of the human spirit.
Yes, I was lucky enough to be at the Women's March on Washington in our nation's capitol along with my mom, my aunt, and our good family friend Pam. Oh, and we also brought a flat version of my sister, Hanna...on a stick. No (wo)man left behind, am I right?
What we saw was an uprising of people so passionate with their beliefs. So why the heck should you care about this?
I'll tell you--this can be transferred to just about every life situation that comes your way. Remember that no matter what, you've got the power to go after what you want, and exhaust every resource until you succeed.
It's what so many believe in across the country and the world...and I think it's great food for thought for each of us going forward.
That said, go KILL IT! I know you want to be the best you can be...who doesn't?
Here's to you and me and our world...may our spirits always be resilient and strong!
Hello, hello!
Today is Monday, January 16 2017
So, let's talk people. First of all, WHAT is going on? We are already in the middle of January.
Whoa! I don't know about you, but time either flies or drags...and it's been a flyin' for me!
I've had four straight days off from work, and let me tell you, I feel so refreshed.
I'm headed off to work out with one of my best friends now...so this post will be short but blunt--PLEASE get out and do something that makes you feel good and happy.
Go attack this new week, people!
Good day, Monday!
Today is Monday, January 9 2017
Hello, hello!I'm a nighttime worker right now, so I'm up after most of you are already on your third cup of coffee!
Don't worry though, I'm catching up, sipping on my second as I'm typing away.
I'm feeling ready to take on another week, how abut you?
Mondays are sucky sometimes-but I try to look at it as a new beginning to try and keep my mood peppy.
I just polished my nails with a vibrant blue--and I'm feelin' fierce.
I had an amazing weekend with my family...feeling so thankful that they are closer to me now that I'm back in New York.
Well, I'm gonna down the rest of this cuppa coffee and get ready to tackle this day!
I hope you're all having a brilliant start to your week.
Hey, first Monday of 2017!
Today is Monday, January 2 2017
Goood Monday morning/afternoon (almost) to you all.
I'm seriously so happy right now, and I'll tell you why.First off, after a painful couple of weeks with fractured toes, things are healing, (still pretty sore, but healing) so I went to the gym today to see what I could do. Been craving exercise like crazy!
I ended up taking it very easy, but I ran for a collective ten minutes and power-walked at a good speed for a little over 20 minutes. Yahoo! Baby steps people.
Second, I'm sitting here writing this with the aroma of sun-dried tomato quinoa simmering--which I just have to say sounded really great after quite an indulgent couple of holiday weeks. No regrets though!
Third, I'm just really happy. I've got the best family, the greatest friends and I get to do the job I love every day.
What're you feeling lucky for today? Are you ready to kick-start your year?
I'll admit, I'm not a fan of odd numbers but I think I'm gonna give 2017 all I've got--and you should too!
Don't let anyone or anything stop you from being the person you want to be. Whether its a relationship, a goal, or a personal issue that you've been pushing to the side, go for it whatever it is--with ALL THE PASSION.
Love to you all.
Monday Funday!
Today is Monday, January 11 2016
Everybody! How was your weekend? Did you get going on any of your new year's resolutions?
I'm never one to make any--but I did start an awesome new workout plan from Buzzfeed. It's a month-long every-other-day type program that Buzzfeed sends to your email! The best part? You can do most of the circuits without any equipment at all which is cool too.
I usually pair each circuit day with at least 15-20 minutes of cardio, whether it be running or doing a bit of out-of-water rowing on the erg machine. Anything to get the blood flowin'!
Well, I hope you all have an amazing day...remember to make the most of it. You deserve to have the best start to your week.
Oh, and also--feel free to check out my new Instagram account for the blog...user Eat_Be_Mary !
Go get 'em, tigers.
Hey there, Monday
Today is Monday, October 19 2015
Hi EBM-ers! I hope you've all had a great Monday and I just wanted to say that it's OK to fall off the wagon a little bit. This past week I've been a little bit restless with my eating routine and my stress level.You know, sometimes my crazy schedule doesn't allow me to get to the gym every day. But at the same time we can learn a valuable lesson from falling off the wagon as I call it. Yes sometimes we need to eat a couple pints of Ben & Jerry's and just think about, you know,how nothing can be as good as this right now.
But the truth is nothing feels better than being in control. This past weekend I decided to run as if my life depended on it and I ended up crushing my goal and I ran 7 miles on Saturday without stopping and I ran another 3.2 miles on Sunday without stopping...so that ramps up to about 10 miles that I ran and I'm extremely proud of that. So my question to you is what have you done that really made you feel proud this weekend or this past week? What are you trying to accomplish in these next few weeks? I hope that if you're feeling like you've fallen off your own wagon, That you know that a good recovery week is in sight.
Yes I know it's easier said than done but I think the easiest thing to do is stop feeling shame or guilt for indulging or over indulging like I did. Yes, I think the easiest thing to do is really just move forward and I hope that although this is late on a Monday night...that you know that no matter what time on Monday you're always going to need motivation and I hope that this gave you that little extra push. So if you're in the middle o finishing your workout or getting your plans together for the week--go at it with gusto, just take it by the reigns and make this week work for YOU.
PS: here's a sweaty pic of me...you're sort of welcome?
Bonjour, Monday!
Today is Monday, September 28 2015
Gooood Monday morning, lovely folk of the world.
I hope you're feeling good and that you've had a good weekend. I certainly did, filled with friends, laughs and some really. good. food.
Yes, the weekend was full of amazing indulgences, but as usual it's time to get myself back on track for the week. Its also a very special week, my parents are coming to Bemidji and I couldn't be more excited. That means more food and drink. So, its important to me for eat well when I can before Thursday rolls around.
That said, I've just returned from the grocery store and I got quite the haul y'all. So many veggies and, err, I guess tomatoes are technically a fruit. I also added in some smoked turkey sausage I had on stand-by in the freezer. Needless to say, my apartment smells pretty fabulous right about now. Dinner for the next few days=done!
Now, I know that sometimes Monday's come around all too quickly, but a new week is here for all of us, and remember...it can be whatever you want it to be. So, get out there and start getting your productivity on, people!
We meet again, Monday
Today is Monday, September 21 2015
Hello, hello. I'm going to skip the apology for the time that I've been away...and just get to the good stuff!
How is everyone feeling? I hope you've have a recharging weekend and are so ready to take on this week. I know I am. I think I made use of every single ounce of time I had this weekend, and I'll be reaping the rewards all week!
Sundays are always my day to get myself ready and rarin' to go for the week ahead, and yesterday I was able to meal-prep, exercise, and give my nails a fresh polish job...and yes I did take some time to relax with a glass of sauvignon blanc. Necessary.
The last week was a difficult one for me, I was PMS-ing (sorry lads, but ladies you know what I'm talking about here) and my "mojo" as my mama calls it was just off. Not to mention my cravings were out of control, so it was hard to find the motivation to eat healthy...but I still did it. I had a busy but extremely awesome week at work last week, and I was on the anchor desk at Lakeland for the first time on Tuesday and Wednesday.
You can imagine how tired I was...but let me tell you it went amazing and I felt so good and so proud of myself after. But, instead of celebrating with a run or some other healthy activity, I face-planted into bed. That's the only difficult part...finding that motivation to work out when you have zero percent energy and your tank is running on empty at the end of a long day.
But...I'm pressing on! I'm so thankful for all these experiences and lessons that I'm learning and I wouldn't trade my career or crazy non-schedule schedule for anything in this world!
I hope you all have the BEST day.
Get out there and kill it!
Shake Away those Monday Blues
Today is Monday, August 24 2015
Good morning! How're we all feeling today?
I hope you're ready to take on another week...I know that I seriously needed some time to get back to my fitness routine this weekend and that's exactly what I did, so I think I'm ready!
After an exhausting but totally rewarding week last week, I think I've finally figured out how to combat my tired-hungry-ravenous cravings. I know that sometimes you just need to eat some candy and not feel bad about it, but when I started this whole Eat and Be Mary journey, I found ways to step back mentally and remind myself that just because I'm hungry doesn't mean I need to blow my whole day of healthy eating.
![]() |
Wild Blueberry Fadeaway Shake for Brekky! |
Now that I'm getting back to feeling good, I hope that you all know that if you had a similar experience recently, that it's ok! All it takes is remembering how powerful and unstoppable you feel when you eat right and exercise--whatever that means for you and your normal routine of course. No two plans are the same, because no two bodies are the same!
So, what're you waiting for? Get out there and kill it this week. That's my plan...
Monday, Hello!
Today is Monday, August 17 2015
Happy, Happy Monday all! I’m up and at ‘em bright and early this morning because I have to travel a bit for my story on the Red Lake Nation Reservation.
The weekend was a good one, and didn’t go by too terribly fast…how was it for ya’ll? I hope it was the same. Even if it wasn’t, let me remind you that as cheesy as this sounds, Monday is the brand new beginning that we get treated to each week.
If you ask me, we’re pretty lucky. Today, no matter where you are, take some time to stop and smell the roses. I did yesterday during my run and I have to tell you, the things that stress us out from day to day really aren’t that bad once you put things into perspective.
So, here’s to a productive, healthy and happy week! You can do it.
Almost-Minnesota-Bound Monday
Today is Monday June 22 2015
Well, next Monday I'm not sure if I'll be able to to post anything, as I'm going to be moving into my new digs in Bemidji! Yeah, I know its pretty crazy I have to admit.
This post today is all about getting in touch with what you have and what you're about to do...meaning: let's figure out how to make the most of the time we have left in a particular part of our lives...and make way for all the new things to come!
I am seriously so thankful for the support of my family and friends during this big transitional period. Normally, I'm a nut-job (if you haven't been able to gather that already). But living out of space bags and having half my life packed up in seven 20x20 UPS boxes has me feeling some type of way.
My parents have literally done everything in their power to make sure that this transition is as easy as possible. Without them, I would be living in a cardboard box outside of my news station. Buuuuut. That's not what's to be, though, and it's all thanks to the two people who raised me. So, big shoutouts to the real OG's of the parenting game, Bruce and Teresa.
On that note, be thankful for what you have right now, and if you're going through transitions too, take that appreciation and keep it in your pocket. When you're all settled again, you can pay it forward someday soon.
Have a fantastic day in this fantastic world!
Not-so-Mundane Monday!
Today is Monday June 15 2015
Well hi there, dears! What're we all doing on this lovely start to the week? I'm getting ready to grab a healthy lunch with one of my close college friends, Julia!
She and I are about to be pretty far away from each other as we start our newest adventures; Julia's going to American University in the Fall for grad school and I'm headed off to begin my professional broadcasting career in Bemidji, MN! I'm looking forward to catching up with her.
As you you folks, I know it sounds cliche, but make some time for the ones you care about most while you still can. Do things by yourself to keep your mind sane, but maybe say "yes!" to that coffee date with the friend you always say "no" to. It's easy to make up an excuse, but trust me--memories made with actual humans are what you want in the end.
Planning for my impending move across the country in just over 10 days, I have been trying to squeeze in as much as I possibly can between packing.
Well, that's wshat I 've got for you today... get out there!
Oh Hey, First Monday of June!
Today is Monday June 1 2015
Holy crap, people! Let me just ask real quick--where the heck did the month of May go? Ok, so it wasn't just me that blinked and all of a sudden ended up in a new month. Phewwww.
Ok so, I could go with some clichè thing and tell you "it's a new month, a new you..." blah blah blah. But, instead let's just get real here. I think it's time to start asking ourselves the real questions. Things like, "what am I doing that's bad for me?" and "what makes me truly happy?" If any of those questions resonate with you right now, don't worry! That's actually a good thing.
I'm in a transition-period right now as I'm trying to figure out what my next step is going to be in my career. That being said, I have asked myself those above questions. It's so very important to be in touch with yourself before you do anything. After all, if you don't know yourself and like yourself, who else will?
But, really it is a new month and you should look at it as a fresh start.
Go get 'em, tiger!
Memorial Day Monday
Today is Monday, May 25 2015
Good morning everyone, maybe you're reading this post with some coffee and your feet still snuggled under a pile of blankets--yes it's a holiday!
But, I hope that you are taking a bit of time to remember why you have the day to chill. So many have given their lives to protect our freedom over the years-so while you're BBQ-ing today with family and friends take a minute to think about that.
Now, enough with the heavy...enjoy your day! I'm heading out to go back to Ithaca for an undecided amount of time, but not before I have a nice midday meal with family. Before that, we're going for a run/walk along the canal nearby. Good stuff!
I hope you all have a great day off, make the most of it and do something!
Monday: Senior Week Sins Edition
Today is Monday, May 18 2015
Good morning everyone! How's it going? I for one have had QUITE the eventful past week, which ended yesterday with my graduation from Ithaca College. Crazy to think that this crazy collegiate ride is over for me. I'm extremely proud of myself!
With that being said, I didn't title this post "senior week sins" by accident. The entire week leading up to graduation, all the seniors got to participate in what's affectionately called "senior week." It's basically an entire week with no responsibilities whatsoever-which means there's complete freedom to drink and eat whatever you please.
Let's just say that I indulged enough that I don't think I'll be hungry for another week. But, that's where my will-power and motivation kicks in. I now have to get myself back in check, recognize that somehow before all this craziness that I indeed wasn't hungry every minute of the day.
What's more, I haven't even looked at my running shoes since last week. So that will also be on the list of things to get my life back to normal. If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you know that I thrive on routine...so this is an interesting time for me for sure.
I'm not worried in the slightest that I'll have trouble regaining control, because I've experienced how good that feeling is firsthand. I wouldn't have it any other way.
With that, I say cheers to the Class of 2015.
What does that mean for y'all? If you feel like indulging in something--go for it, because if you don't those cravings will probably be all you think about.
Get out there and kill it this week!
Hola, Hola Monday!
Today is Monday, May 4 2015
Well, well, well! How are you doing on this sunny day? I'm currently sipping on a blueberry fadeaway shake and after a weekend of serious indulging, nothing tastes better!I've been so busy trying to deal with all the craziness that comes with the end of the school year and the end of an internship that I've had no time to devote to the blog...and that makes me so mad!
Now that things are winding down (well, until senior week that is!) I'll have time to get back on here on my regular schedule.
So, I'm here to tell you to have a great day...and make it a productive one! Make time so that you can enjoy everything that this season has to offer-and remember, if you work hard you can play harder.
Keep it happy and healthy everyone!
Sunny Monday!
Today is Monday, April 13 2015
Ello, people! How are we feeling today? I can't stop smiling...this weekend was full of outdoor trail running, brunch, and spending time with friends. What could be better?
I talked about this in my last (tears) ever segment for Eat and Be Mary on ICTV last night, but I have so much to be thankful for.
My message to you today, is to remember who helped you get to where you are today. Don't forget to pay it forward for whoever that may be.
I'm keeping it short and sweet today...hope you all are having a wonderful Monday so far!!!
Get out there and do something amazing today.
Bonjour, Monday.
Today is Monday, March 23 2015
Heeeeey! So how was everyone's weekend? I hope it was a good one...and that you experienced more "first glimpse of Spring" weather than I did! Haha!
Anyways, I spent most of the weekend at home working on job stuff, which pretty much took up ALL the time in my life last week between work and school. But, I've got to say, I feel so accomplished now.
So, my message to you today is to go after what you need to get done with some passion and fire in your eyes! You'll thank yourself for pushing on.You can always rest later...after all, the best kind of relaxation is always well-deserved relaxation.
Keep it healthy and keep it movin', people!
Monday, Monday!
Today is Monday, March 16 2015
Everyone! Hi. What's shakin'? I personally can't believe that we're already in the middle of the month...seriously, how did that happen?
Being that we're at this midpoint, I've been thinking a lot about my goals and potential. So, this morning I'm encouraging you to do the same.
Getting in tune with how you're doing and how you're feeling can help you immensely.
Get deep, start thinking, and most-importantly...go after what you want!
Have a wonderful day.
Happy Sunny Monday!
Today is Monday, March 9 2015
Hello, all you beautiful people! Excuse my overly-excited attitude, I've just seen one of my favorite food bloggers, Ella Woodward on the Today Show this morning!
Ella Woodward on Today Show |
She's the creator of "Deliciously Ella," which is one of the health food blogs I follow religiously---one that inspires me to keep going on this venture every single day!
I'm so proud of what she's doing. So, this Monday, I'm feeling alive and motivated as I take on my week...because you never know what can happen if you try!
All of you out there--I encourage you to get out there and figure out what inspires you to do your best in whatever makes you happy.
This is your time!
Have a wonderful day.
March-ing into a new week!
Today is Monday, March 2 2015
Goooood morning, everyone! Excuse my punny title, I couldn't help myself.
How are we all feeling today? I hope you're ready to take on this week.
This past weekend was so difficult for me eating-wise, I'll admit it. It seems that sometimes once I give into temptation my willpower goes on vacation for a little bit.
But, there's no sense in dwelling-- I'm ready to get back on the straight-and-narrow again. If you had a rather indulgent weekend yourself, please don't worry. One-hit-wonder Howie Day said 'even the best fall down sometimes,' right?
I'm looking forward to heading into this new week, and I hope you are too.
Remember, if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.
Do big things!
Monday, Freeze.
Today is Monday, February 16 2015
Ok, so let's be real here...the temperature outside is actually emotionally and physically taxing. I can't believe that after I'm done writing this I have to go outside and defrost my car.
If you're feeling the same way-and especially if you're reading this under a multitude of covers, you need to shut that down right away! What do I mean? If you convince yourself that you can't possibly get out of bed today, you won't.
It's really imperative that even if you're stuck inside, you get the most out of your day.
So, with that, I leave you to venture into the Tundra. Do something with your day that'll earn you that snuggle time when the sun goes down!
Let's go, people! Bundle up and work. it. out.
Monday, Snow-day?
Today is Monday, February 9 2015
Hello, good morning lovely people. Well, it seems like a Monday tradition is forming for me, unfortunately! Every time I wake up ready to go to work in Elmira, the weather has other plans for me.
So, today I'm in Ithaca. That means I have plenty of time to be productive and get things done. It also means I have more time to motivate all you glorious readers out there!
Is is snowy and cold where you are? Are you feeling a little lumpy? You need to get up and do something, and no that does not mean angle the TV so that Netflix show you've been streaming is easier to see from your bed. I know, it's so tempting to just lay around all day--but that's what everyone's expecting you to do. Not that it matters what others think, but hey wouldn't it be a great thing to modestly (please remember modesty...) say that you got a bunch done when you're around the water cooler tomorrow morning? I should think so.
That's my plan today--and of course a workout will be in that mix, and grocery shopping. But first, my pre-workout--brushing the mound of snow off my car. WOOHOO. Not. Ahh, gotta love Upstate NY.
You've got a whole day--so my point is, do something with it! You've got this.
Stay safe and warm!
Monday is Here and so is the Snow
Today is Monday, February 2 2015
Goooood morning everyone. So, I would normally be at work right now but Mother Nature decided that I needed to sit this day out.
So, if you're doing the same thing that I'm doing and if you're snowed in... find a way to get that workout in! If you have a yoga mat handy, do some yoga--meditate, anything! While you're down there do some abs. Nothing like being able to sweat in the comfort of you're own home and not see anyone...sometimes that's good.
It's also Groundhog Day, so you know, there's that. I'm pretty sure that no matter what the furry guy in Punxsutawney PA sees, we're in for a lot more Winter I feel. So, remember to do whatever you have to do to stay productive and keep yourself busy.
Ain't no amount of snow that's going to bring this New Yorker down--so you shouldn't let it get you either.
Stay warm and stay safe!
MLK Day Monday!
Today is Monday, January 19 2015
Happy Martin Luther King Day, everyone! If you're enjoying a nice day off, don't forget to acknowledge the significance of that great leader in the civil rights movement.
After that, make sure you aren't a lump on the couch- get out and do something! You need to keep yourself on track. Why? Well, if you sit around all day, you're not going to be the least bit tired and therefore...you will be tossing and turning all night trying to fall asleep.
I'm headed off to my first day of my internship at WETM-TV 18 in Elmira, New York. I've already had a healthy breakfast and have a fadeaway shake waiting for me in the fridge to bring for lunch.
Get up and go, people! Do something.
Have a beautiful day!
Happy Monday!
Today is Monday, January 12 2015
Well, hello people! How are we all feeling? Is it really quite snowy and dreary where you are?
That's the case in my hometown right now--trust me I would be the first one to admit that it would be perfectly acceptable to stay under a million blankets today. BUT...that's not going to happen.
What's got me in such a great mood? Well, I have a week left before I head back to school for my last (what) semester of college. I absolutely love being home surrounded by my closest family and friends, but there's nothing I love more than a routine.
It keeps my working out, eating and sleeping on track. I know it sounds nerdy to be excited about getting back on a schedule, but that's just the way it goes for me.
How about you? What makes you most happy and keeps you feeling good? Whatever it is, think about it and find a way to make it happen.
Now, up and at 'em! You've got a brand new week to do what you want to do. Do something. GO!
It's the first Monday of 2015..
Today is Monday, January 5 2015
Hey, there everyone! Would you look at that-we're in the beginning stages of a new year.
Are there things you want to do but you've been too afraid to try? Do you want to talk to someone that's been on your mind for a while?
Well, it's me, your motivational voice here telling you that it couldn't be a better time to start getting real with yourself. Start doing what you want. Life is too short to have doubt and regret looming over you.
No, I'm not saying go out there and try to learn how to eat fire or juggle knives, but you get the point.
Stop caring about what others might think and just do what you want to do.
It's cliche, yes, but hey you have to admit that sometimes the most effective pieces of advice can often be among the cheesiest.
Take 2015 by the horns and get going.
Happy last-Monday-of-the-year!
Today is Monday, December 29 2014
Well, here we are. It's the final Monday of this year. Next time, we'll be in 2015 (also the year that I'm graduating college, GULP)!
I'm telling you, it's the time to get up and start moving! Everyone has had their fair share of holiday indulgences, myself included. So, what could be better than getting up and burning off some serious calories? Nothing.
Well, maybe there is something. You can also work on what you're eating with the help of this great link from Harper's Bazaar that my dad Bruce sent me this morning--basically a short list of things to help you stay on track!
What're you waiting for? Click away, and get moving. You can do it.
Give 2014 one last run for it's money.
Merry Monday!
Today is Monday, December 22 2014
Good morning everyone! How are we all feeling today? I for one am super excited for the some time during the holidays with my family.
I just want to start this post off by saying that it's OK to be reading this and to already feel full from holiday desserts (cookies, I'm looking at you). I'll be the first to admit it--it's way easier to fight off and turn a blind eye to a cookie at any other time during the year.
But, something in my brain can't get over sweets when the holidays roll around. It's ok though, like always, they come and go--and so will your cravings.
My point? Well, as your reading this feeling a bit more sluggish perhaps, don't fret.
Everybody deserves to indulge from time to time. So, please forget about calories, forget about diets, and just live a little for a couple days. In moderation, this can all work out just fine.
Remember I'll be tweeting throughout this holiday week--so be sure to follow along if you haven't been already!
Here's a link for ya: EBM on Twitter
Monday's Here!
Today is Monday, December 15 2014
Happy, happy Monday! As always, this day promises a new start. I want you all to think for a moment about all the things that you've done for the past couple of weeks. Are you content and satisfied? Or are you feeling a bit empty--needing more from the final weeks of 2014?If you're in the middle of both categories, that's ok, too. I think it's impossible to feel like every single aspect of your life is perfect. But that doesn't mean you need to give up-it means you can try harder.
Relationships, friendships, whatever. If something requires a little TLC right now--don't ignore it.
We're all so busy, juggling a million things at once. Believe me, I feel that struggle all the time. When one part of my life is going great, sometimes others have to suffer temporarily.
I find that as long as I keep the intent to change things for the better in the back of my mind, I will never lose sight of it.
That said, I am hoping that all of you reading this will take these small tokens of advice to heart today and every day!
I hope you have a happy and healthy day-remember to make time for what matters most to you.
Monday is here again...
Today is Monday, December 8 2014
Hi everyone!!! Well, sorry I left you hanging this past Monday--I hope you found enough willpower to get yourself through the day and the entire week for that matter.
I'm in the midst of finishing up the semester from hell- so I've been flying by the seat of my pants lately. That said, I just want to remind you all that you can do anything you set your mind to. It's a saying that's so cliche and overused, but guess what? It never goes out of style.
If you're feeling like me--ready to pull your hair out- then just keep going. The more time you spend getting your work done now, the quicker you'll be on the couch sipping some hot cocoa.
Don't worry! We're almost there. Almost.
Keep hangin' in!
T'is Monday
Today is Monday, November 24 2014
Hi! It's me, reporting live from my kitchen on a beautiful and unseasonably-warm fall morning--hey I'm not complaining about it one bit!
How is everyone feeling? I'm so delighted to be home an entire week with my family and friends. But, that doesn't mean that I'm going to go on the path of unhealthy eating just because it's Thanksgiving time!
What do I mean? Well of course I'm going to eat what I want on Turkey Day itself, but I'm really trying to be diligent with the things that I eat otherwise--as per usual! I ate chips and salsa yesterday and my body was not into it--I ended up not feeling so hot later on in the night. My body is just not used to all that processed salsa and foods like it.
So, if you're experiencing or have experienced the same kind of problem I know you're feeling my pain right now! I don't feel bad for eating that stuff, but it certainly didn't agree with me. Bummer.
But, aside from that--life is beautiful and we should all be thankful for that.
Now get out there and do something!
A new week is upon us...
Today is November 17 2014
Well everyone, it's that time again--Monday is here.
I hope you've had a great week and that your day is starting out well. I for one am very overwhelmed with everything I have to do before I leave for Thanksgiving break on Friday for a week. My head is spinning and I'm trying to keep calm--and fight all of the cravings that come along with those feelings.
I'm sure that all of you have been there at some point--doesn't it suck? Yes, it does, but you've got to pick yourself back up and deal with it. Turn all those negatives into positives!
Who's with me? You've got this.
Have a fabulous day.
Oh, hello Monday!
Today is November 10 2014
So how are we all feeling today? I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet--if you're week is going to be a busy one like mine then you'll understand!
I can't believe that it's already november--where did the time go? Honestly, I can remember August like it was two seconds ago and that is a scary realization.
That said, we should all be cognisant of the fact that time doesn't stop. We need to make sure that we are living each moment to it's fullest potential.
What're you waiting for? Get out there and do something!
Hey, Monday Old Friend.
Today is November 3 2014
Well, I'm coming to you live from the Roy H. Park School of Communications on this sunny Monday. I'm ready and raring to go after a strenuous yet satisfying workout with one of my best friends. Now, it's a day full of work for me.
So, how are you all doing? Do you need a little pep in your step this morning? If you shook your head yes, that means you need to listen up!
It's Monday, a.k.a the start of a new week. Think of it as a mini new beginning of sorts--and make every second count.
If you're stressed, get out and sweat for a little and treat your body and mind to a workout. If you're having cravings because of that stress, pick two mini pieces of halloween candy and eat it. I know, I know, why would I be telling you to do that? Sometimes you just need to, and that's ok.
That said, remember to give it all you've got and don't worry about striking out. Just play the game.
Keep it happy and healthy.
Lundi. Montag. Monday.
Today is October 27 2014
So, however you say it, spell it, or deal with with it--today is Monday.
I'm sorry I was a bit neglectful with posts this past week- school has been consuming me more than usual--I wasn't sure that could be possible!
But, here I am...back on the grind. If you had a busy weekend too, did you remember to block out a smidgen of time for yourself?
If you're answer is a flat-out no, then you need to change that ASAP. I know, I know, I sound like a broken record telling you to make time for you...but it's seriously so important-even if it's only ten minutes of meditation!
This is just a reminder that in order to be the best version of, well, you, it's essential that you make the effort and recognize that you are important. Listen to your body, get good rest and put down your electronics. Well, for a few minutes anyway!
Let's kick some butt this week.
Monday, Monday!
Today is October 20 2014
Hey y'all! I'm up and at 'em early as usual, and I hope that after reading this you'll get a little fire under your bum to give this day and week all you've got!
It's the end of October (how/what?) so you need to get your goals in mind for the rest of 2014. You still have a great deal of time, but it will move quickly--so you best be prepared!
I really like keep a calendar on my computer that's color coded so that I can see all that I have to do on a given day.
Another idea that could work for you--write down every idea you have! I know it sounds nuts- but I think it will help them stick and maybe you'll even make something great out of one of them or inspire someone else!
Lastly, think about your relationships with people. Make it a priority to be in the lives of those you care about. It will pay off. Trust, I know that putting someone else before your own self can be difficult, but there's also no greater feeling.
All these are things that I work on each day in my own life. At the beginning of a new week, it's always a great idea to evaluate.
With that said, start your engines, people! Get it in gear.
Monday, Hello.
Today is October 13 2014
I hope you've all had a great weekend and that you're ready to attack your week and get the most out if as humanly possible!If not, it's essential to get at least half-way into that mind-set. Why? You're lack of passion and motivation will get old pretty quickly for you and others around you!
Sorry, need to give you a little tough love. It's getting a bit chilly out, feeling more like fall, and that means we'd all rather be curled up in a blanket all day than go get our sweat on. My advice to you-- reward yourself with relaxation and a good meal after you kick some butt and break a sweat each day.
It's so important to take time for you.
Well, get out and do it! No time like the present.
It's a New Week!
Today is October 6 2014
Wakey-Wakey, everyone! But seriously, if you're not awake yet or these are the first words you're reading today...you're waistin' daylight!
I know, I know, you probably hate Mondays and depending on where you are in the world, it might be a chilly fall one like I'm having right now.
Don't sit around and mope, get out there and do something. You can harness all that passion and power into productivity! Trust me, it's either that or you're going to be a whiny mess the entire day, and honey- ain't nobody got time for that.
Get it in gear, get out and go. You'll thank me later.
Make it a day well-spent.
Monday is Here Again...
Today is September 29, 2014
Good morning, beautiful people!
Let me roll out the welcome wagon for you as we sail into another week.
As we all know, it's so easy to get consumed by all the things going on at once in your life. I feel victim to that just recently, and let me tell you it was a wakeup call for the books.
If you're in this situation, I'm sorry! You will get through it. My parents gave me some really sound advice that I took to heart: make time for yourself every. single. day.
This morning, I started out with some yoga, and I have to say that it was so relaxing. That was 20 minutes that I set aside for me. I hope that it will help fuel the rest of my day with strength and positive energy,
Give it a try! Here's the link for the first segment I tried today: http://youtu.be/WfzS2Ov6_1o
Remember, do what you can.
Here's to a happy and healthy Monday! Let's go!!
Monday, Old Friend!
Today is September 15, 2014
Hello, people! Wow, it feels like I was just writing a motivating post to you all about five seconds ago...and now here we are again!
It's crazy how fast the time is going, and I don't know any other excuse other than a schedule that keeps me busy about 98% of the time.
My advice to you as you embark on a new week's journey is to really remember that time passes quickly. Not to get emotional on you, but it does.
With that said, try to value all the time you do have and make the most out of your days. That way, you will hit the pillow at night knowing that there wasn't a thing more you could've done.
Trust me, that feeling of pride and accomplishment is pretty hard to beat!
So, try to make the most out of this week and all others after it...you'll be glad you did.
Have a happy and healthy day, everyone.
Happy Monday...
Today is September 8, 2014
Well, welcome to another week!Hopefully everyone is ready and raring to go do big things. If you're not...you should think about it.
Here's my advice to you today: you never know when you're going to stumble on the perfect opportunity, so always be on your A-game.
Quite often, the best things that come your way don't wait around until you're ready to take them on.
You know what they say, there's no time like the present!
Go do something that will have a positive impact on your future, or take on something a bit less-daunting if that seems like too much for today.
Either way--start doing!
Wishing you a healthy and happy Monday.
Monday, Labor Day!
Today is September 1, 2014
How's everyone feeling? It's Labor Day, so you've had the day off...well most of you anyway I'm assuming.If you did, take a second to think about something-what can you still accomplish today to stay on track for your week?
My opinion about three-day weekends for holidays is simple: they're both a gift and a curse. The gift part is obviously an extra day to catch up on school work, yard work, exercise and things of that nature.
The curse is that it can really screw with your timetable and mentality of the week ahead.
Tuesday will feel like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday the same...you get where I'm going with this, right?
My message of motivation for you today is to keep it real. Remember that it's Monday! It'll be good to have that realization now than when your alarm goes off at an ungodly hour tomorrow morning.
Enjoy the rest of your day...make the best of it!
Monday's Here Again
Today is August 25, 2014
Sorry for the delay...but I've been running around Ithaca getting things ready for my senior (what) year of college. But, of course I couldn't forget about Monday Motivation!
It's still Monday, and it's quite possible that some of you are in need of some extra fuel to get whatever it is you still have to do done.
No fear though, if there's too much on your plate, make a list of all your tasks. That way, you can actually see what you're workin' with. Then, all you have to do is decide what you actually have time for.
I know that sounds kind of tedious, but sometimes that's necessary if you're about to lose it with all that you've got going on.
Don't panic-you've got this!
Have a fabulous and productive evening, everybody.
Hi Everybody! It's Monday...
Today is August 18, 2014
Well, if I had my way...I would've been writing to you tonight instead of this morning from Ithaca.
But, my housemates and I have run into a little blip...just that the power isn't on. No biggie. Ha!
That's what I discovered upon arriving there on Saturday with my parents to move all my crap in. All is well though, and we've all worked hard to sort this stuff out. New plan-move out for good on Wednesday morning. I can handle that!
So, as I start my day a bit differently than I had originally anticipated, I have some words for you all.
If you too are having some unexpected things happen today...don't panic! It's all good.
One way or another, things will work out. It's just up to you to keep your cool for the sake of your sanity and that of the people around you.
You got this! Do big things today-whether you planned to or not.
Monday, Monday!
Today is August 11, 2014
Hi everyone!
Well, here we are at the top of another week.
I'm reporting to you live from Rochester, New York, a.k.a my hometown.
This morning I want to talk about the fact that it can be daunting changing your scene and getting your daily routine done in a new place.
Not that home is a new place for me, but...as you could probably tell I'm a woman on the move about 90% of the time!
I am so happy to be able to spend some time with my family-its especially important because my baby sister is starting her freshman year at Michigan State University in a couple weeks!
Anyway, I was really sad to leave my aunt and uncle behind and say goodbye to wonderful Downingtown, Pennsylvania.
One aspect of that place I'll miss the most? The beautiful running trail.
That trail is a representation of a summer full of hard work and staying in shape. I was worried that once I came home, I wouldn't be able to do that anywhere else.
But, I woke up Sunday morning ready and raring to go running and figure out a run route for myself. It worked out swimmingly, and I ended up having a great workout.
So what's my advice for you as you start your week?
Try not to let a change in scenery or your routine to affect your productivity. It's not like you can only stay in shape or remain productive within one environment.
Don't let a change in your scene become an excuse crutch.
With that said, it's time for me to get my day started!
Hope its a healthy and happy Monday for all of you. Remember-you can do it!
Happy Monday!
Today is August 4, 2014
What's going on? Feeling good?
Hope so.
Well, we've got another Monday on our hand, don't we?
I'm going to keep it short and sweet...we're already in the midst of AUGUST. Seriously, how did this happen?
That's just crazy to me. So, if you're still on the lucky summer schedule like me...I hope you don't have any moments that go like: "wow, really wish I could've."
If you do, then get out there and do it. You know what they say, there's no time like the present.
Go get 'em killer!
Have a wonderful day.
It's Monday...
Today is July 28, 2014
Let me tell you...I had one for the books. It was my big 21st birthday bash weekend, and it was better than I could've ever imagined!
Why am I telling you this here?
Well, as you all know, this summer has been a huge growing and learning experience for me with cooking, baking, eating and finding a routine that works for me.
That said, I've been working SO hard, and I knew that I needed to treat myself for getting to such a wonderful state.
I thought I'd share a few of the indulgences that I had over the weekend! First up, is my birthday dinner out, which consisted of a starter, a main, and a huge piece of chocolate cake drizzled with caramel sauce.
On Saturday, I was treated to a day/night at the Mount Airy Casino and Resort in the Pocono Mountains! I ate what I wanted there too.
If you're wondering how this is supposed to motivate you, don't worry, I got you.
The point here is that I feel so good, and I've been working so hard...so I knew that I could enjoy these things guilt free.
If you're currently feeling as good as I am or want to get to a better state of mind and body...set some goals! Get out there and work hard.
After you achieve the goal(s), go ahead and eat something you've been dying to have.
After that, get back on the horse and continue to kick butt.
What're you waiting for! Work for your cake, people!
PS: Here's some photo evidence of what I devoured this weekend.
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California Flatbread (Avocado, Sprouts, Fresh Pesto, Tomatoes) |
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6-Layer Chocolate Cake |
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Churro Apple Pie Waffles from Guy Fieri's Restauant |
'Ello, Folks! Happy Monday.
Today is July 21, 2014
How's everybody feeling today?
I really can't believe that we're already at the end of July! Crazy how time flies, as cliche as that sounds.
But...we've still got plenty of time left in this summer so that's fabulous!
So, people who may have spent their entire summer so far binge-watching Netflix or something like that...GET OUT! Not that there's anything wrong with that, though...I love me a good Netflix binge while on break.
My message to you is to just find a balance. If you're an Upstate New-Yorker like me or you live in the same region of the country, you know that winters are brutal. Sometimes, it can feel like we may never feel the heat on our skin again or be able to shed off our layers (and layers) of winter clothes.
Don't take it for granted.
What better day to kick off an active and not-so-Netflix week and rest of the summer! If you have any ideas, hit me. But until then...try my advice!
Well, that's all I got. Have an enjoyable Monday people!
Happy Monday...
Today is July 14, 2014
Monday, Monday, Monday!! Yes, we’re here again people.
I hope the weekend treated you well, and that you had the
chance to eat some good food and get a couple sweat-tastic workouts in. If one,
both, or none of those things happen for you…IT’S OK.
Since it’s the beginning of a new week, I think it’s
appropriate to re-iterate how important it is that we love ourselves.
No, not in a narcissistic and weird way, but in a healthy
way…, which is the key to this whole thing.
You have to be confident, but keep yourself in check. If
you’ve felt yourself get a little too big for your britches lately, dial it
down and take a chill pill. As long as you realize it early, there shouldn’t be
any reason to panic.
So, on this Monday I just want you all to remember that
self-love is one of the key components of a happy life.
Now…what’re you waiting for? GO GET ‘EM.
Happy Monday!
Today is July 7, 2014
Well, it’s everybody’s least favorite day of the week
BUT, before you “poo-poo” it as some say, think of it as a
start of something new.
Make this week your time to do something you really, really
want to do. Whether that’s placing cucumbers over your eyes and laying out in
the sunshine (while drenched in SPF, of course) or simply trying out a new
ingredient in your weekly meal prep…the choice is yours!
Whatever you choose, remember to have fun with it and do it
for you. That’s the way to get the most out of it.
So, happy Monday, people! Get it in gear and kick some booty
this week.
Happy Monday, all!
Today is June 30, 2014
I hope the weekend treated you well, and that you're energized and ready to kick some booty. Today is the last day of the month, and that means a new start of sorts with July.
Take this time to remind yourself of all the good times you've had this month. Whether it be a great night out with friends or adding an extra mile to your daily run. Anything. But, DO NOT, this is very important- do not dwell on things that may have happened that affected you negatively. We learn, time and time again that we can't change the past-we can only look forward.
So, start to be a forward-thinker this Monday. Make July even better than June. Do something that scares you, talk to that guy or girl you've been crushing on, cook a new healthy recipe. Do it.
With that said, I hope you all have a lovely start to your week.
Happy Monday!
Today is June 23, 2014.
I wanted to start out this post by saying congrats. Congrats for getting through another week, congrats for maybe making a healthy choice over a not-so healthy one, you know the drill.
If that didn't happen for you this weekend, I'm sorry--but don't be discouraged!
I've got something to share that will not only make you laugh, but will remind you that it's ok to make mistakes, because that's how we learn after all.
Let me set the scene for you: it's Friday night, and I just had a nice dinner with my aunt and uncle. Naturally, I was browsing Pinterest for the latest recipes and looking for a guilt-free dessert to make.
That ended up being a quinoa chocolate cake....from this website: http://www.melskitchencafe.com/decadent-chocolate-cake/
Now, if you clicked on the link you'll see how this was SUPPOSED to look. Let me tell you, it's harder than I though to make a cake from scratch while replacing one of the most essential ingredients (flour) with quinoa. That's what the recipe called for, so that's what I did! The very same day, my mother was at home baking a dark chocolate cake for my cousin and grandmother's birthdays. Here's what we ended up with:
Next time, I can cook the cake for longer, as that may have been part of the problem. It was pretty perfect until I tried to take the layers out of the pans. In addition, I think I should've lined the bottom of the pans with the parchment and a little bit of flour. That would've made a big difference I think. Now, I have hope that my cake will look like my mom's and not like the mudslide it turned out to be!
That being said- how will this motivate you on this lovely Monday? Well, it should help you continue to be fearless in going after what you want today and every day. I hope that you realize that I'm human too-and actually couldn't wait to share this with you. We shouldn't worry about what will happen... just about how much effort we put in.
So, all, make today a great one.
Happy Monday!
Today is June 16, 2014.Welcome to the first instalment of Monday Motivation! I thought I'd pass along a little kick-start to your week while I'm cooking a batch of quinoa!
Okey doke. So, you're probably either at work, on your way in, or have the day off like me.
If you're in the office, here's my challenge du jour for you: GO FOR A WALK. Whether it be your lunch break, your walk to the dreaded "far away" coffee/water machine in your office, get up and get moving-it's a great excuse.
Lucky people with the day off-the world is yours today! Use this day to do all your normal errands (if you have any) and get some exercise. For me, days off are great for long runs. I run on a trail by my house. If you don't have that-no problem! Just get out wherever there's sidewalk and work it out! You can also use this time to prep some meals for the week-we all know that it's the last thing we want to come home to after a long day at work. This will help you, because you won't have to think about what to prepare when you get "hangry" (combination of hungry and angry...NO BUENO).
Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
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