Wednesday, August 12
Well, happy hump day everyone. I must admit, I started typing the date for this post and it took me two tries (really) to type August. It's kind of crazy how the months are just breezing by.
But, I'll tell you one thing, I'm so thankful for the fact that I'm finally feeling like I fit in Bemidji. On the drive out here, I repeatedly asked my mom, "will I make friends?" And she replied every time, saying "Mary, if you can't make friends then nobody can." She was right.
I'm happy to say that with all the see-ya-later's that I said in New York, they've been met with a lot of "Hey, I'm Mary's" lately and I couldn't be happier.
From kayaking on Lake Bemidji on my first real weekend here (also the 4th of July!) to grabbing beers with new friends at our local brewpub, Bemidji Brewing Co., to getting to see one of the famous music festivals in Minnesota, I've had such a blast so far. I can't really imagine why I looked at this situation as an intimidating one. Okay, well I know that it's sort of intimidating moving across the country, but it's exactly what I want to be doing.
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When your beer smiles, you know its a good night. |
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My new friend Stefania and I at Moondance 2015 |
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Work Perks? |
There's a lot more going on in my head (as per usual) but I think that's all I've got for right now. Being a working gal takes it out of me and by the end of the day...DAMN. I'm always ready to hit the pillow.
So, I guess what I'm saying here is that...friends, old and news, thanks for being there for me and thanks for welcoming me into this new community!
Tuesday, May 5 2015
Happy pre-hump day, everyone! I just had to share what happened to me just now...its really pretty crazy that I'm sitting in a Starbucks right now and I finished my last (yeah I can't believe it either) assignment for my last finals week of my college career.
I've been dealing with the theme of "lasts" a ton lately, and it's got me thinking more and more that this life moves so fast. Now more than ever, I finally see what people meant when they told me that college will be the quickest four years of your life.
But, while I'm so sad that this time is coming to an end, I can't help but smile when I think about all of the memories that I will cherish forever (I know, I know I'll stop).
Although I learned that some people will never make sense and that live is generally just hard sometimes, it has made me a much stronger person and for that I will forever be grateful.
That's what's in my head right now, folks. I promise I'll be doing a better job of keeping you posted.
Sunday, March 8 2015
Woah, I am so very sorry for the awful job I've done in keeping this page current...don't worry, I haven't stopped thinking since I last posted here on January 22. Ha!
So, I'm in a weird place right now. But weird for the most part in this scenario is very exciting to me. I'm beginning what will be my last-ever break in college, which means my next "break" will (hopefully) be something I have to sign a timesheet for.
While it's super exciting, it's also kind of scary. In just a few short months, I'll be doing it--making my way in the world as a real-life TV reporter. I'm already so thankful for the opportunities I've had as an intern on live TV this semester. I can't imagine doing anything else for a career. It's too much fun.
I hope that I can continue that after graduation, wherever the road takes me! So, if you're wondering, I'll be keeping Eat and Be Mary at the tippy top of my priority list. I couldn't imagine living life without it now!
As for its future---I think its looking pretty bright. I want to make it something better than what it is now, which is already great.
Thanks to all of you for keeping with me, reading my (sometimes nonsensical) thoughts...and being along for this ride!
Have a happy and healthy Sunday.
Thursday, January 22 2015
Well, how is everyone doing on this lovely Thursday afternoon?
I'm cozy-ed up in my house with a candle burning, just relaxing with a couple hours until my last class of the day (and week). Have you ever felt such an overwhelming sense of thankfulness that you have no idea how to deal?
That's where I'm at right now. I'm so thankful to have all of the opportunities that I do in my life. I'm also thankful for you all-you loyal readers that have taken a chance on this blog and allowed me to talk healthy living at you again and again, week after week.
I have so many plans to take my on-air career to knew heights, and I'll be taking Eat and Be Mary along with me in this journey.
If there's one thing that I learned from starting this blog, I would have to say that it's knowing you can do anything. Anything.
The week isn't over yet, so get going and try that new healthy recipe or that new workout class that your friend wants you to tag along to. Just do it.
Saturday, December 27 2014
Hi everyone! I hope that you've all had an amazing holiday season so far--no matter what you're celebrating-if you're celebrating, that is.
Well, I'm about to leave Pennsylvania for home tomorrow after a lovely and relaxing five days away. I will now present to you what I'm calling my "Goodbye Cookies."
Goodbye, cookies, you crunchy, chewy and crumbly things. Sometimes you're iced, sometimes you're frosted; and other times, you've got jelly in the middle.
Farewell to you too, fudge, you rich and decadent minx. Grandma always has some on hand at the holidays.
Au revoir to the bouche de noël, the spongey and perfect chocolate cake that the French call a tradition--and our family does too.
I'm so happy you've all come back into my life for a brief period, but now I am full.
As I enjoyed a few cheeky last bites, I savored each one.
Goodbye cookies, until the next special occasion.
I hope you've enjoyed your fair share of sweets and other comfort foods too! You deserve it.XOXO
Sunday, December 7 2014
Oh my word.
I am so mad that this blog hasn't been updated in a week--and I want to thank everyone who checked back in hopes of a new post.
The wait is over--I'm baaaAAaack.
You know, I always thought actual finals week would be the most painful week of my life, but truth-be-told, the weeks leading up to it are my own personal hell.
This past week was nasty--and I mean nasty. My eating, exercise, and sleep schedule were turned upside down and I have never felt so out of control! To give you a hint, I ate ice cream for dinner twice, and I may have had a cinnamon bun for lunch on Friday. My work pretty much took over my life and it's been pretty awful.
Finally, though, last night was my first night of real sleep. I'm writing to you all extremely refreshed and happy. I only have one more week of finals-related things to do and I'm focused on the light at the end of the tunnel, which is a month-long break.
Has this happened to anyone else? How do you deal with it?
I can happily say that I made it through, with the help of my encouraging family and friends. After all, I'm certainly not the only one that this is happening too. That's comforting.
So, with that said... I'm sorry again for the wait...but now it's over.
I'm getting back on the health train after a week off the rails--and it feels great.
Thursday, November 6 2014
Good morning everyone!
Hows the day starting out for you? I hope it's fantastic.
Anyways, I just wanted to update you on my life's been absolutely off-the-wall crazy but in the best way possible!
I was the main female anchor for my school's broadcast called "Election Center," which is a three-hour show that's completely live on Election night to deliver and analyse results as they come in. It wasn't just Tuesday night, though. As you may have guessed, there was a huge amount of my time this past week prepping for my big gig, which meant I had little to no time at all for myself.
While that's all fine and good, the only thing that suffered was my diet and exercise during this time. Although I was able to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch most of the days, dinner became difficult. Not being home to cook for myself was really tough. So, there were lots of nights that we would order in food to the newsroom. Bad idea, but more convenient unfortunately.
That really threw me for a loop, and I was dying to get myself back on track. I'm writing to you today as a better rested, worked-out and once-again healthy-eating human being. Thank goodness, I was about to lose my mind!
If you're currently going through a rough schedule or have experienced this at some point, you should know that it's going to get better. Yes, while I was in the midst of this week, I was feeling like I'd lost my will to keep going with my healthy lifestyle. But, I kept reminding myself how good it feels to keep the momentum going.
I'm glad I did. Now, I'm ready to tackle the next adventure!
Hope y'all have a great day, and hang in there-- it's Thursday!
Wednesday, October 22 2014
Good evening, all! How was your day? Were you productive? Good.
My day was filled with appointments, class, exercise and laundry. A day in the glamorous life of Mare Bear, huh?
This past week or so has been a bit challenging, though--I'll admit it. I've been working through knee pain and it's seriously bumming me out that I can't workout to my full potential right now. Everyone says that your body will quit so much quicker than your mind will, but I have to say that it's such a hard reality to face when your mind wants you to keep pushing.
I've really been trying to do everything right--new sneakers, extra stretching, off-days spent doing yoga and strength exercises. But still, it's not as satisfying as a good 7-miler on the trail outside. It's difficult to deal with doing less when you know you can do so much more.
If you're experiencing the same thing, I feel you. The hardest part is keeping yourself motivated while being discouraged--but trust me, it's worth it. I try to do something to get my heart-rate pumping every single day-even if I only have 20 minutes! It's so satisfying.
So, if you're feeling crappy about an injury or a minor pain issue...this is me encouraging you to keep on going. Keep the momentum and positive thoughts coming. You will get through this! After all, listening to your body is the most important part.
Thursday, October 16 2014
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been able to keep you updated's been a whirlwind of a first semester so far.
BUT...that doesn't mean that I've forgotten for a second how important it is to keep up with my other loves-this blog and all of you!
I'm home in Rochester for a bit of a break, and I'm enjoying family time and the fall weather.
This morning, I went for a nice run on my usual path, and I'm so excited because my mom, dad and I are going to make eggplant pizzas tonight! One of my healthy favorites lately.
There's so much going on at once here and at school that I can barely keep it all straight!
If you've been checking out my new segment based off the blog, thank you! If not, I encourage you to watch and tell me what you think.
No matter what I do, I'm always so happy to have the support of my family and friends. I'm now off to get my hair cut and my eyebrows waxed--shooting some professional head shots today!
I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon!
Sunday, September 28 2014
Well, here we are people...Sunday night.
It's been an extra special day, as it was the very first live segment of Eat and Be Mary!
The fact that I've been given this amazing opportunity to bring this blog to life each week is still so incredible to me. Right now, I'm on cloud nine. It's been such a busy and stressful semester for me so far, and these moments that I get to be on air provide a break in the commotion that is my life.
I just feel so thankful that I have such a great support system rallying and cheering me on as I continue on this journey.
To my parents, sister, grandparents and the rest of my wonderful family, I can't thank you enough for always believing in me and always encouraging me to do the best I can. To my friends near and far, you rock. I can't imagine doing this without your help.
So in essence, I'm feeling a whole lot of feels right now and they are are overwhelmingly positive. I can't wait to see where this next big leap takes me.
With that, I wish you a wonderful rest of your Sunday. Make it count.
Wednesday, September 10 2014
Wow, sorry it's been such a long time since I last updated you all.
If you've ever been or are currently a senior in college, you may be able to sympathize with what I'm dealing with here.
Don't get me wrong, I really do love having something to do each day and being busy is way better (in my opinion) than being bored and doing nothing.
A packed schedule to me means that I'm not slacking off.
These past couple days though, I've been feeling a bit restless in the craving department.
I guess it's just because it's been a good 7 months since I've actually been under a lot of stress...but come on! My willpower hasn't completely deteriorated or anything like that, but since I'm actually doing things all day and not sticking to the routine that I originally created for myself this summer.
Instead of working at my internship and just having to exercise and cook on my days off, I now have a packed schedule, meals to cook, homework to do, groups to meet, tv and radio commitments, BLAH BLAH BLAH.
You get's a lot. I know I'm not the only person in the world that's dealing with this by any means, but it can certainly feel that way when you're wrapped up in your own little bubble.
To top things off, I decided to be really spacey and knock off someone's side-view mirror while backing out of my driveway on Monday night. So, that lead to me going to Wegmans and getting a pint of Ben and Jerry's. It wasn't good. I felt icky after, as you might've guessed.
It's not like I'm sitting around eating that delicious terrible stuff all the time, but it was kind of annoying that I needed to eat it. I'm over it, it happens. I'm human.
I guess I'm just trying to continue to strike the right balance of it all, which is normal I guess.
With that, I just want to say how important it is to be aware of your routine and that you always respond to what your body needs.
Sometimes, you just need a freaking pint of ice cream.
Hope this little rant rings true and familiar with some of you.
I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday!
Thursday, August 21 2014
Hi, all.
How's everyone've made it to Thursday, so that's a good sign!
I'm now safely in Ithaca and loving that I don't start class until next Wednesday. That means I have time to really enjoy the beautiful place I get to call home for a fourth year! What could be better?
So, keeping that in mind, I went with my good friend David for a five mile run on a trail that I had no idea existed until today. My dream came true for the perfect running spot! It didn't disappoint.
For those of you who may be in a temporary period of transition like me...just know that it's so important to get a healthy routine going as soon as humanly-possible. As soon as I got to Ithaca, I made sure that I had my list ready to grocery shop with all my usual foods. That way, there isn't any adjustment from my normal diet. Beautiful!
Well, I just wanted to check in and say hello--it's been a couple days, but I would never forget to fill you in on every aspect of my life...the good bits anyways!
Keep it happy and keep it healthy. Just be.
Saturday, August 16 2014
Good evening, people!
Well, as I'm writing this post I'm struggling to keep my eyes open.
Today was all about moving me into my new house for my senior year at Ithaca College.
The catch? All the furniture I got at Ikea needed to be put together. My parents, as always, really stepped up to the plate and worked so hard to make my room feel home-y!
I can't wait to get back in there and start decorating! It's going to be so much fun living with three of my friends and getting my own sanctuary at the same time in the house (that also means more insightful blogging, right? hmmm...).
Another thing I wanted to talk about was the fact that it's totally do-able to stay on your routine (I know I'm always hammering away at this) and enjoy yourself at the same time!
Yesterday, my family and some of our family friends went into the city to watch a Rochester Redwings baseball game! I'm not really one for baseball, but I really love the atmosphere of the ballpark; the fans, the food, the family time, all of it!
That brings me to the food.
I was a bit nervous about what game-time snack I could eat. Then it hit me-a soft pretzel!
Without salt, the soft pretzel was the perfect snack that felt like more of an indulgence than it really was...woohoo!
I decided to skip the peanuts and cracker jacks, but obviously couldn't do baseball without beer!
Enjoy the last of the summer with snacks you know you won't feel guilty about. Trust me, it's like your own personal home run.

Sunday, August 10 2014
Hi everybody!
Sorry it's been a while, I've been in transition...moving from Pennsylvania back to New York!
I've completed my internship at FOX29, and now I'm prepping to go back to school and have a wonderful senior year.
Tonight, we had a family dinner that consisted of a grilled turkey and balsamic-glazed brussels sprouts-- so yummy!
It's been great to spend some time with my parents and sister.
My brain's pretty scattered between what there is to do to before I go back to school and how much time I can possibly spend with my family and friends here in Rochester.
Sorry the updates have been a bit more scattered this week--I'm all over the place literally!
More to come soon, I promise!
Hope you all have had a nice weekend.
Wednesday, July 30 2014
Good evening, everyone!
Well, it's another work day in the books for me...and I'm really sad to say that I'll be ending my internship in Philly at FOX29 next week.
The things that I've learned, the people I've met-it'll all stick with me forever. I am so very thankful to have been among the lucky few that get to intern in the news department.
Last summer, I went back to school after my first internship there, and I had a huge amount of confidence in my abilities.
Now, it's double that, and I couldn't be more proud of myself for all the experiences and all of the things that I've done thus far.
My head's running in a million different directions between possible news stories to chase and recipes to cook...but somehow, there's such a soothing element to the chaos.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Discovering passions that I can mix with my love of journalism is so amazing to me.
Well, that's what I got for now.
Sunday, July 20 2014
Wow, it's been a hot minute since the last time I told you what was goin' on inside my noggin!
Here's an update. I'm five days away from turning 21! So that's been on my mind a whole lot lately. I've been feeling great about that and also about how well my internship is going.
It's hard to believe that I have such a short time until another summer in the City of Brotherly Love comes to an end.
However...another valuable skill I'll be taking back to Upstate NY with me is cooking and baking!

I really think that my lack of self-confidence made me think that I would never be able to cook for myself. But this summer has taught me so much, and I've really been able to gain so much self-love.
My aunt and uncle have been so amazing, I mean they just leave me home and let me go to work on whatever creation I'm inspired to try...which is so wonderful!

So, that's where my head's at people. I gotta get some shut-eye, as I have a run, grocery shopping and recipe hunt to look forward to in the morning!
Sweet dreams...
Sunday, July 6 2014
Hola, people!
I hope the holiday weekend was filled with lots of relaxing activities and healthy additions weaved in there somewhere between all the star-spangled diet terrors. HA.
Anyways, this Sunday I'm really thinking about how thankful I am for the opportunities I have in my life. I feel a real sense of confidence about myself because of what I've done and seen with my own eyes.
My thought was to pass on the fact that you always have to remember where you started and be thankful for those roots that set you out on your chosen path in life. While that sounds kind of cliché, I think it's something that a lot of us do.
To draw upon what we did in the past and the mistakes that we made is part of the journey and more importantly-how we learn.
I'm doing my very best to live without fear and do the things that I want to do. I wish that you all would consider doing the same...if you already haven't had this cross your mind.
Mhmm, mhmm. I know- this was a bit of a serious post, but we all need a reality check sometimes to keep us on track.
With that said, sweet dreams! Get some rest-you'll need it so you don't get a case of the "Mondays."
Sunday, June 29 2014
Hey hey, everyone!
Hope you've all had a happy and healthy weekend doing things you enjoyed.
I'm thrilled that I got to go home for a couple days a see my sister Hanna walk across the stage at her high school graduation. Words can't describe how weird it feels that my little sister is no longer little. But, I can't express how proud I am of her and all that she's accomplished in such a short time.
It was a great weekend spent with family and friends.
The reason I'm bringing this up? Well, as soon as I remembered that graduation weekend would also be including the graduation party for my sister the day before, I stopped for a moment. My grad party was wonderful and full of all the foods I could've ever wanted. It also involved a massive cake, obviously.
But, I decided that I would challenge myself to stay as regimented as possible when going up to the buffet table full of catered food.
It's my way of telling you how to get through a season of graduation parties without your waistline expanding! Who doesn't want I right?
So, here we go. I was focused, I was determined and my will-power was at an all-time high.
First hurdle: appetizers. There was an assortment of fresh fruit cut up, and there was a basket full of cheeses and crackers to go with them. Sitting on the table together, of course I thought YES let's eat all the cheese and crackers that are in the cute little butterfly shape. NO. Instead, I grabbed a small plate and got some fresh melon and strawberries- about five or six pieces all together. The perfect little nosh.
Second hurdle: buffet dinner. By this point, I knew that I would have to peruse the options that were waiting to be uncovered from the steel banquet serving bowls. There was penne and vodka sauce, chicken marsala, garlic mashed potatoes, carrots, grilled veggies and a cold orzo salad with more veggies next to the regular old green salad. I was in total control of the situation, and ended up with a nice little plate; with one small piece of chicken with mushrooms and spinach, a bit of green salad, a small scoop of the orzo, and a small scoop of carrots. (see photo)
Last one: dessert. Ok, so I'm gonna be straight with you, there was no way that I was going to leave that graduation tent without having some cake. So, I had a small piece of two different kinds which was perfect. The size equaled about one normal sized piece of cake.
Seriously though, if you have a plan you can make this work. The buffet table won't be able to entice you with it's heavenly aromas and enormous serving spoons. It certainly worked for me, as I felt comfortably content with the amount of food I ate throughout the different stages of the party.
This can also apply to any gathering-block party, cocktail party, backyard BBQ...anything! I hope that everyone can take a little gem of wisdom to their next summer shindig, and feel better about how to choose food to eat. Besides, don't you have chicken fights in the pool and backyard kan-jam to worry about? You're welcome!
Sunday, June 22 2014
Well let me just start out this post by saying exactly what's on my mind: relief.
There's a couple different reasons why that's the emotion going through me right now.
1. USA USA USA! In case you aren't into fútbol and don't watch the World Cup religiously like I do...we just played a thrilling second tournament game against Portugal and tied, 2-2! While that isn't as good as a clean win...we still have life! WOOHOO.
And the other, not so awesome reason I'm relieved right now.
2. I've basically had a bug or something of that nature for the past 24 hours...which began with me throwing up a veggie burger from a diner. Moral of the story there...maybe don't get that again at a diner. Anyway, after that I was up throughout the night last night feeling downright gross-which ended up taking me out of my internship for the day and doing nothing but hiding under a blanket.
I guess it was even worse because of how great things have been going with my running and my eating I felt kind of nuts for just sitting around all day even though it's what was necessary to do.
Thankfully, after my aunt cooked me a sweet potato and some chicken, I'm starting to feel better. My hope is to get back on my normal grind starting tomorrow. I hope that happens!
Just wanted to share how my life has been playing out lately--turns out it's been as unpredictable as the game the US just played...but just like that match, I ended up ok.
Wednesday, June 18 2014
Hello hello, Mary here.I hope you've all had a wonderful Tuesday...and if your workday isn't quite over yet-hang in there champ!
Anyway, I just wanted to share how insanely good I'm feeling today. Most days I'm feeling pretty good, yes. But this day was productive, and best of all I was feeling good about the way I looked.
I think it's an important thing, to feel good when you walk out the door each morning. You walk a little taller, smile a little bigger-the whole bit.
Don't get the wrong idea here, it would be totally creepy to walk around with your chest puffed out and a huge perma-grin on your face.
As I sit here waiting for my train back into the suburbs from Philly, I can't help but reflect on my accomplishments of the day. That's my challenge for you all. We're often too caught up in long term goals and expectations to reward ourselves daily, so start! You'll find that you take greater care in some of the tasks you might find tedious. Just appreciate being alive and getting the chance to do (hopefully) want you want.
That's the words of wisdom I have for y'all today.
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