Mmm. Smoothies are SO in.
What you're seeing here, folks, is a beautifully healthy and satisfying smoothie with romaine lettuce, strawberries, some water and a banana. Yes. All of the yes. I have the link to this recipe below, but I think the next time I make this (and oh, there will be a next time!) I'll add in some different ingredients to switch things up texture-wise.
For starters, I'd probably make my liquid base a dairy-free coconut milk (I like the So Delicious brand) or vanilla almond milk. Water didn't really do much for my taste buds. Another modification? Probably adding in some natural peanut or almond butter for thickness. The beauty of the smoothie is that you can add in whatever you fancy. Of course, you get extra points if you top it with some cinnamon or chia seeds--but start off small and build your way there!
PS: here's the link to the original website--->
Rethink your Burger: Sweet Potato style!
Hello, wow sorry that I haven't brought any new recipes to the table lately--truth is, I've had zero time to experiment and cook!
That being said, my mom wanted me to meal plan for the holiday weekend since I'm home for a little bit. I took advantage of the opportunity to get back into the healthy-yet-tasty recipe hunt, and boy did it feel good.
First up on the menu? Sweet potato burgers with a roasted garlic cream and avocado slices all between a lovely 7-grain whole wheat bun. All I have to say is whoa baby. Who knew? I found this recipe and immediately knew I had to tackle it on my own.
Now, be warned, you need to have some time to devote to this recipe. Roasting the garlic takes about 45 minutes. This is what yours should look like when it's done--golden brown. The goal is to be able to squeeze the garlic right out and into the blender for the cream sauce.
Your "patties" should be golden brown, and since they're potatoes, you really need to let them cook with minimal flipping action. Trust me, resist that urge!
I have to say, the results were nearly perfect. One happy family!
The original recipe makes four burgers, but I added in one extra potato to the mix--so it made four larger burgers. Overall, we were all totally satisfied and full after one burger. The flavor of the roasted garlic cream and the avocado on top were nothing short of heavenly. I wish I could blog the aroma to you, but--ya know, some things are still impossible, haha!
We enjoyed our burgers with some green beans on the side. Any veggie can work with this really. Give it a try!
Find the recipe here.
Dip into This....
So, this Winter has been quite a doozy for us here in good 'ol Upstate New York. In fact, the whole country is really getting hit hard with mounds of snow.
All this got me thinking about what I wanted to cook to add some heat to my diet without packing on the calories.
The solution came after some Pinterest-searching and I found an amazing recipe for a skinny take on the classic jalepeño cheese dip!
What's the best part? This dip tastes like a dream but is completely NON-FAT! Bless.
I enjoyed mine with some Wasa crackers. Can you say delicious?
Get the recipe here.
Dark chocolate fans rejoice!
When I stumbled upon this recipe I had two thoughts: this sounds really good, and this could go really wrong really fast.
Thankfully, I've made these Chocolate Avocado (yes, I just said what you think I said) cookies twice and they are delicious. No butter, no sugar, no problem.
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Yes, these look a bit like tar-but they are amazingly good! You'll never know there's avocado involved. |
Here's the link to the recipe.
Need a filling snack? Try some granola.
I found this awesome recipe for Coconut Almond granola recently-and let me tell you, it's a huge hit! For 1/4 cup, you get a great snack at around 150 calories.
To make it easier, I just scoop out the heavenly nuggets with the 1/4 measuring cup! Problem solved. Not to mention, there's almonds, coconut flakes, coconut oil and pure maple syrup. It makes 20 servings-so if you prep this at the beginning of the week you'll be set! YUM.
Pumpkin Protein Cookies

Link to Original Recipe
Cinnamon-Vanilla "Mare-engue" Cookies!
So...I know you probably are wondering why the heck am I spelling merengue wrong. Truth is, I'm such a sucker for any chance to make something normal into something punny. There you have it.
These cookies are the perfect solution for people who can't get enough of that lovely Starbuck's cinnamon dolce latte. If you'd rather taste the heavenly cinna-vanilla combination without undoing your entire day, these babies are for you! What's the best part? There's pretty much no work on your part to make them. Can I get an amen?
The recipe that I found was just for vanilla merengues, but as ya'll know I really can't imagine anything without I took these cookies to the next level! Boy am I glad I did. My family sampled them tonight after dinner and the verdict was unanimous: delish!
Extra heads up for diabetics: these are only TEN CALORIES! My dad is a diabetic and he was able to enjoy a few without being worried. That's such a win. I hope you enjoy!
Here's the original recipe link:
Meatloaf 2.0: Muffins!
No, no. I can already hear the groans. Why would you ever associate meatloaf with muffins for heaven's sake? Yeah, I'm pretty picky when it comes to meatloaf--but this recipe I found has made me a believer, I promise!
This recipe was super easy, and I made it my own by mixing in some Sriracha sauce instead of ketchup to add a little more heat to the mixture! But I did use ketchup on the top because who can really say flat-out no when asked if they want ketchup? I'm not sure I could do that!
Anyways, there's so much you can do with this recipe to customize it. Get goin'!
Here's the recipe to get started:
Just in time for Turkey Day... the Pumpkin Pie Shake.
Well, this is one of my favorite find this fall. It's delicious, nutritious, and filling.
It's got all the warming spices of a pumpkin pie--nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves!
You'll be thankful for this yummy recipe, trust me!
Here's the Recipe.
Mmm, Blueberry.

Here's the link to the Recipe
Dig. In.
Pumpkin, Pumpkin. T'is the Season
Well, I'll be honest's ALWAYS pumpkin season for me. Stumbled upon this great recipe and just had to share it with you!
Here's the Recipe
Is Everyday a 'Pizza' day for you? I've got you covered.
Indulge, and FINSIH the ENTIRE thing. That's the motto for this personal skinny pizza. Love.
Being at school and craving the colossal carb-monster, I decided to take matters into my own hands. What you're looking at here is a multigrain tortilla wrap (only 140 cals!) with tomato sauce (canned diced tomatoes), low-fat shredded mozzarella, and some grilled mushrooms.
After heating all the toppings separately, I stuck them on the tortilla and put it all in the oven at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. That way, the cheese is melted and the smell is phenomenal.
It really satisfied my craving, so I hope this helps you too! Enjoy!
GUILT-FREE DESSERT you like cake? Do you own a mug? Both questions are essential.
Tonight, and all this week really I've been having to fight some pretty intense cravings. Not usually what I deal with, but I've spent quite a lot of time away from school and the workload is pretty strenuous already.
Quickly, I realized that I was going to need to do something about that, which brings me to my latest find: peanut butter and banana mug cake!
Ready in 30 mins in the oven or 60 seconds in the microwave, this cake is sure to satisfy with it's thick texture and rich qualities.
Here's the site for the original recipe.
My tip? Do it in the oven for sure. I know I know, it takes longer...but it's worth it for that golden brown on top! Mmmmmm!
Aubergine, Eggplant, Whatever You Call it...PIZZA.
Yes, you heard me right. Eggplant pizza. Mama Mia!
I just want to start off by saying how incredible this recipe is that I found, and how healthy it is for you.
Three "slices" equal out to about 200 calories, and it gets better-low carb!

Takes about 25 mins to absorb.
Above: Petite diced tomatoes (I used canned from Wegmans)
and a generous amount of garlic.
VOILA! Does that look perfect or what?
You have to try this, it's just too good to pass up. It's also really simple.
Follow this link to see the recipe for yourself!
IT WON'T KALE YOU. Get it? Cool. Now Try Some Kale.
I really love kale, as you know from previous recipes that I've posted on here. This is just a simple meal idea that takes literally no time at all to prep. In fact, there really isn't much prep at all. Here's a look:
Let's break this down now. Okay, so literally the only thing you need for this to work out is a toaster, a skillet, and some olive oil.
On the left side of my plate, I have some Tuscan kale that I wilted (translation: threw into skillet with some olive oil and salt/pepper). For that small amount, it only took about five minutes on medium-high heat. So easy.
Now shift over to the right side, where you'll find a piece of toasted whole wheat and seed bread with 2 slices of fresh beefsteak tomatoes and a bit of fresh mozzarella cheese. I finished it off with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Mmmmm. Drooling?
Side Note: You can use any kind of kale you've got on hand or prefer to buy. What makes that kale "Tuscan"is it's peppery bite. I thought it was nice.
Need a New Idea for Dinner? I got You.
You've just got to try this dish. It's hearty and healthy!
What we've got here is quinoa mixed with eggplant. The best thing about quinoa is that it's so versatile. I always keep a container-full in the fridge.
I cut the eggplant into small pieces (its so important to make sure that they are all the same size-that'll ensure that they cook evenly) and sautéed it with some salt, pepper, and a bit of sriracha. After about 10 minutes, I added some quinoa to the skillet. I'm really not the biggest fan of cold plain quinoa. I though this was excellent, and so easy!
The next night for dinner I made it into a scramble by putting everything back in the skillet and adding in two eggs. SO YUMMY.
A Blueberry Take on the Classic Fadeaway Shake
Try this, you won't be disappointed!
Love Spaghetti but don't Have time for the carbs?
Spaghetti squash is the answer to your culinary prayers.
So, I've been really excited to get in the kitchen with some spaghetti squash.
Being home for a little while, I was able to cook a meal for my family...which was great!
So I tried this recipe, which is basically a "lasagne" of sorts-with layers of squash, mexican cheese, and freshly-sliced beefsteak tomatoes!
Here's the link: Recipe Link
It was so easy to just pop in the oven.
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You Like Cake? Cool, I do too.
So. Let's talk about something real quick. It is a phenomenal feeling to be in shape and push your body to be the best it can be. BUT...what's even better and closer to nirvana than that? Eating a piece of cake.
If you're not a cake person, I can't say that I fully understand but I will respect you. Everybody's got that something.
But if you're a sponge (Brit way to say cake) lover like I will love this healthy spin on cake that I found! Highlights: applesauce, butter, no eggs, flaxseed meal, etc.
It's so good. Just so you know, this isn't a sweet-packed cake like you're imagining in your head. It's got spices like pumpkin and nutmeg to add a warmth and subtle bite.
Here's the link: Recipe Link
New and Improved Breaky! Strawberry/Blueberry Breakfast Cakes
If you scroll down to the second recipe I posted in this section, you'll see my go-to breakfast: the oatmeal and date breakfast cakes. For me, it's usually a switch back and forth from the pumpkin chia seed muffins or those cakes.
While I've really perfected those two recipes that I came across, I wanted to add something a little new to the mix! I just bought some fresh blueberries at the store, and they make a pretty fantastic addition to a baked why not? I went in search of an existing recipe for breakfast cakes.
This is the what I found : Recipe Link
I made some modifications, as I normally do! Instead of just using blueberries, I added some strawberries that I had in the freezer. Keeping frozen fruits on hand is always a good idea! In addition to that, I added some low-fat plain yogurt to help the mixture stay together a bit more. Of course, there was no cinnamon listed in the recipe, so I just added about two teaspoons of that.
These babies made the entire kitchen and house smell divine! I popped them in the freezer already...and just like that, breakfast is done for a while!
Skinny Cinnamon-Espresso Cookies
Ahh, yes. Who doesn't love a good chewy cookie? But, who likes all the calories? AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.
If you're in agreement, keep reading.

After all that, if you're still not convinced...make them already! You won't be disappointed.
Light Indulgence: Mint-Chocolate Merengue Cookies!
From time to time, I like to bring in some sweet treats for all the lovely people that I work with. So, this time I decided to get a little bit more creative...and go for a minty dessert!

The recipe is here: Recipe Link
I hope you try these out soon! Keep in may want to invest in a real piping bag and a metal piping tool to get the correct shape! I kind of failed on that front but as you can see I still made it work! That's what next time is for...perfecting!
What do you do with ripe fruit!? Make muffins. That's what.
So...if you're running into a problematic situation like I did earlier in the week that goes a little like this: "so many overly-ripe bananas, so little time," then listen up!
I found this amazing recipe that's packed with goodness--natural sugar too! The original recipe is from Recipe Link .
BUT WAIT...if you've been following my baking ventures, you know that I love love love cinnamon, and that I often bake with whole wheat flour. My twist on these muffins was to use both of these...which made them even more delectable!
For some guilt-free added sweetness, I added a few cacao nibs (only about A CALORIE each...I know, amazing right?). The end result was almost as good as the smell while they were in the oven. Heavenly!
I hope you enjoy these muffins, and that this helps you to realize that you can make your own changes to already-existing recipes! Happy experimenting!
Kool Kale
I've been waiting and waiting to get my hands on some kale. It's not that I've been afraid to buy it or anything, I just wasn't sure what recipes I wanted to try out. So, I bought myself a big bag of pre-washed kale and strolled on home. Now, I've made a couple recipes so I wanted to share them with you all of course!
First, I made a batch of kale chips with sriracha chili sauce and sea salt. I found the recipe here:
I just have to say that your house will smell heavenly while these bad boys are baking away. They turn nice and crunchy, and I put them in mini bags so that I can throw them in as part of my lunch for work. Perfect! Healthy, homemade, and tasty. Jackpot.
The next recipe I tried was a blueberry-kale superfood smoothie. It's such a beautiful color, but I will say that you have to prepare for an interesting texture. Here's the link for the recipe:
Try this recipe I just found- Sautéed kale with onions and garlic! YUM.
Recipe here:

Hope you fall in love with kale just like I have!
Explore the Magic of Greek Yogurt
So, I'll be the first to admit it-I wasn't so keen on jumping on the greek yogurt bandwagon...I think it was a texture thing. It's a lot thicker than most yogurt and it's slightly tangy.
Today I kind of made a choice to give it another shot-so many clean and healthy recipes have it in the ingredient list. So my first shot at loving the stuff was with a recipe I found on Pinterest for healthy cookie dough style greek yogurt.
I have to took no time at all to prepare! I stuck it in the freezer while I wen tout for my run and then enjoyed a nice healthy fro-yo compliment to my lunch. I used Chobani plain greek yogurt, which is only 90 calories! The recipe also calls for Stevia, but says you can use any natural sweetener you like! I have raw agave syrup on hand, so I used that. It tasted like absolute perfection.''
Here's the link for the recipe:
Enjoy this guilt-free!!
Cooking with Quinoa!
Here are some things to keep on hand that won't go bad-which makes for a satisfying meal in minutes!
- Canned black beans
- Canned tomatoes
- Corn
- Hot Sauce
- Eggs (or egg whites, whatever you fancy)
- Onions
- Mushrooms (canned or fresh)
Great Lunch: Baked Quinoa-stuffed Red-Pepper Halves
These are phenomenal! All you need to do is take some canned black beans, some already-prepared quinoa, some 2% cheddar cheese, ground pepper, and chili sauce! Of course, you can modify this any way you like-adding corn or avocado, onions, etc. Depending on the size of the pepper, I either have two halves or one. It's really satisfying, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Bake the whole thing for about 18 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
This is one of those meals that's made so easy with having the main ingredients already prepped and in the fridge!
Southwest-Style Quinoa make ahead Wraps
1/2 tbs. lime juice
1/4 bell pepper
1/2 diced tomato
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 cup corn
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Cook your quinoa -but if you're a smarty you'll already have some on hand! Once done, set aside with lime juice.
I modified this recipe for 2 wraps instead of the original one that calls for 5...that's one thing to remember...if you don't have the slightest clue if you will like what you make, don't make as much as the normal recipe if possible.
Anyways, in a sauce pan heat up your corn, pepper, tomatoes and black beans with the spices. I also add cracked pepper to my liking-so feel free to do that or add other spices in. Heat thoroughly.
After that, put some quinoa into the tortillas, then fill them (not too packed though, they won't close!) with the southwestern veggie and spice mixture.
Brown the tortillas in a skillet until they stay closed on their own, and let cool.
Now, you have at least two day mains prepped and ready to enjoy! Had to share this great find with you all.
(Modified Recipe from:
Breakfast Time!
We're all working in some capacity, right? Whatever that job or internship may be, you probably find yourself getting out of bed at the last possible minute...and rushing out the door. That's why I find meal prep so important. My mom showed me how to make these two wonderful recipes that are so tasty and filling-but healthy at the same time.
The first one is called the "Fade Away Shake." If you have some extra time (like 15 mins) you can prepare this and guzzle it on your morning commute. Here are the ingredients:
3⁄4 cup (6 ounces) nonfat yogurt
2 Tablespoons light coconut milk
2 Tablespoons water
3 Tablespoons nonfat milk powder
1 Teaspoon natural peanut butter
1 Teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Teaspoons honey
1⁄2 Teaspoon Vanilla
4 Ice Cubes
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until nice and frothy.
Each shake is approximately 320 calories. (AKA, your breakfast in a bottle!)
The next recipe is for breakfast cakes-these are amazing! Although, I do have to say, you can take some liberties when prepping-for instance, you can add a different kind of nut or dried fruit! I also add cinnamon to the recipe (about a 1/4 tsp) and it is heavenly. Now, as if this wasn't exciting enough, you can FREEZE these bad boys! I double the recipe, so that I have a bunch ready for me each morning. Plus, when you microwave them, the whole kitchen will smell like a bakery. To complete my meal, I normally have a good amount of grapes or some other type of fruit-and of course no meal is complete without water! Spread on some natural peanut putter and enjoy.
Here's the recipe:
1 1⁄2 cups quick cooking oats
1⁄4 cup (1 ounce) finely chopped nuts/seeds (I use almonds)
1⁄4 cup flaxseed meal
1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
1⁄4 teaspoon fine sea salt
3 tablespoons chopped dates
1⁄4 cup + 2 tablespoons nonfat yogurt
2 tablespoons extra-light olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg
1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment
paper or a nonstick liner.
2) In a large bowl, stir together the oats, nuts/seeds, flaxseed meal, baking
soda, and salt until very well combined. Work in the dates with your hands,

stir them in.)
3) In a small bowl combine the yogurt, oil, honey, and egg. Make a well in
the center of the oat mixture and pour in the wet ingredients, then start
stirring into the oat mixture to form a wet dough.
4) With a 1⁄4 cup measure, scoop out the dough and plop 1 inch apart on the
baking sheet (you should get about 8 cakes). With wet hands, pat the
dough into even cakes about 1⁄2 inch high. Bake until lightly golden but still
nice and soft, 16-18 minutes.
5) Let cool on the baking sheet for 2 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to
cool completely. Store them in the fridge or the freezer.
Each cake is 177 calories.
(NOTE: These two recipes (shake and cakes) aren't my own, they're from the Reader's Digest Diet)
Here's another breakfast baked good that you can freeze:
Chia seeds are packed with energy-boosting properties, and they really work well when baked into things! I found this great recipe from a website called "You Beauty," and I have to say it was one of my best finds for breakfast so far! Again, great to pair with some fruit in the morning. By the way, I omit the nuts-they are so good on their own...but try it out and make some with and some without!
Here's the recipe:
Chia Muffin Recipe
1 tablespoon chia seeds, ground
1 ½ cups whole-wheat or whole-grain flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking soda
½ teaspoon salt (or salt and pepper to taste)
16-ounce can organic pumpkin (make sure there’s only pumpkin listed in the ingredients)
2 egg whites
¼ cup high-quality canola oil
½ cup agave nectar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ cups whole-wheat or whole-grain flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking soda
½ teaspoon salt (or salt and pepper to taste)
16-ounce can organic pumpkin (make sure there’s only pumpkin listed in the ingredients)
2 egg whites
¼ cup high-quality canola oil
½ cup agave nectar
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup chopped walnuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. In another bowl, mix all wet ingredients. Fold wet ingredients and nuts into dry ingredients, stirring only until dry ingredients are moistened (don’t over-mix!). Spoon into paper-lined or greased (with canola oil) muffin tins. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean from the middle of the muffin). Store completely cooled muffins in a resealable plastic bag in the freezer.
(link to recipe site:
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